Victorian Labor were congratulating themselves in the Banana Republic over apparently defeating gun crime once and for all Tuesday night: “A Victoria government bill cracking down on gun crime has passed the state’s Legislative Council with minor amendments. Under the laws, police will be able to
Dictator Dan virtue signals about disarming the working class
So, while Victoria implodes into a crime riddled fiasco, Comrade Dan pulls this one out: Yeh yeh, whatever. “Cross party support” for gun control yet here you are telling off the Liberals. This is Andrews attempting to point score against the Liberals in an election year
Comment: Bollards that don’t work, sirens and Militarised Police: What happened to Australia in 2017?
In the wake of the Flinders street terror attack, the past week or so has seen an overt promotion by the Australian government in ramping up the national security theatre for new year’s eve: “COPS armed with Colt M4 semiautomatic rifles will be on guard in
Flinders Street Attack: Stop voting for the Coalition, Labor and the Greens
We said it would only be a matter of time before another attack happened in John Howard’s “Safer Australia” and sadly we were right: But remember folks, cars aren’t “designed to kill” – being run over is apparently a less painful and more humane way to
Disgrace: Victorian pensioner found guilty for defending herself with firearm, Victoria Police destroy gun
David Dunstan all over again: “A RURAL pensioner has been left frustrated and angry after pleading guilty to firearm offences in the Wodonga Magistrates’ Court last week. Sixty-nine-year-old Margot Marshall was charged with assault with a weapon, carrying a firearm in an unsafe manner and failing
#Nationofvictims – Gang kill one man, seriously injure another in Melbourne attack
Not one day removed from a similar vehicle attack in WA, another day in the glorious utopia of Victoria. Paging Lisa Neville: A NEIGHBOUR has described seeing a car “trying to run a guy over” in a Braybrook street where a man died in an attack
“World’s most liveable city” to get extra PSO’s to protect against terror attacks
Along with overpriced real estate, virtue signalling and anti-Australian councils, it seems terrorism is just part and parcel of living in Melbourne: Shopping malls and even supermarkets in Victoria will be patrolled by extra armed protective services officers to help prevent terror attacks, the state government says.
Police State: Laborals introduce control freak firearm amendment bill in Victoria
Labor (with the help of the Greens) and the LNP have yet again conspired to sell out firearm owners in Australia. The 2017 Firearm Amendment Bill, which can be read here, has passed the Victorian lower house without any kind of consultation with firearm owners as
Brighton Shooting: the latest “Tough Gun Laws” fail
De ja vu. One week removed from criminal Rick Maddison acquiring what appeared to be a full automatic firearm and killing a Queensland Policeman, a criminal in Melbourne has done similar. Yacqub Khayre, a Somali refugee turned hardened criminal, acquired an illegal firearm (alleged to have
Victoria needs self-defence reform, not mandatory sentencing
The lawlessness continues in Victoria. Here’s a brief snapshot of recent action: An attempted car jacking in Terang A service station held up by hammer wielding assailants A man randomly bashed at a McDonalds A woman carjacked at gunpoint in Pascoe Vale A woman forced to