Where have we seen this before? Not as the bodies were even cold from the horrific tragedy in Christchurch, Jacinda Ardern has stated her intentions of firearm bans. It seems that the next phase of the global civilian disarmament agenda is in play right now: “New
If Police ‘need’ semi-automatic rifles then Australia’s gun laws have truly failed
An unintentional admission from Victoria Police about the crime that doesn’t exist and the gun laws that supposedly work: “Victoria Police will be given a major increase in firepower, with hundreds of semi-automatic rifles set to be issued to officers. A total of 800 rifles will
Category C and D firearms should be opened up for sports shooters
The ongoing saga in Tasmania has taken another twist with another appeal coming for Cat C firearms to be rightfully opened up for sports shooting: “Tasmanian sporting shooters say they are confident the State Government will deliver its election promise to consider allowing them to use
Toy gun ban debacle: Australia needs to harden up
Just when you thought bansturbation in this country over firearms couldn’t get any worse, here comes this: Not at all surprising from a country that bans Airsoft and classifies Paintball Markers as firearms. This draws parallels to the pearl-clutching Helen Lovejoy in Brisbane who complained about
Watch your language: How politicians and the media warp Australians’ perception of firearms
It’s obvious to many that the Australian media and politicians have been at the forefront of shaping Australians’ perception on firearms, particularly to those who are indifferent or against firearms in general. The level of astounding mistruths and misinformation that are promulgated on this topic in
Fake Professor Philip Alpers chickens out of NZ firearm seminar
Bok, bok, bok. Our favourite Kiwi ultracrepidarian has chickened out of a seminar on firearms due to be delivered at the University of Otago this month. From Kiwi Gun Blog: On further investigation, it appears Alpers was originally scheduled to attend in person and then opted
Fake Professor Alpers shills for NZ Gun Registration
The man with the McQualifcations™ strikes again: “A gun control advocate says New Zealand’s failure to register firearms places our gun laws “almost alone with the United States”. Gunpolicy.org director Philip Alpers warns the number of seizures by police means nothing when there’s still no idea
Relevance Deprivation Syndrome: Tim Fischer spins mistruths about firearms on Q&A
If you had the displeasure of tuning into the ABC last night, former Deputy Prime Minister and Nationals leader Tim Fischer along with Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie, were on the program to talk firearms. Fischer has been doing the media rounds the past week, trying to
Enough with the Australian smugness: feeling safe and being safe are not the same thing
Here we go again. As the tragedy in Las Vegas unfolded, the Australian media broke out with it’s predictably formulaic “guns are bad mmmkay” schtick. The bodies weren’t even cold before the Australian media re-iterated the usual Pavlovian neurolinguistic chorus of blah blah Port Arthur blah
“Pest Assassins”: Weapons grade garbage on suppressors from the Courier-Fail
In further evidence that mainstream media journalists are nothing more than wage slaves writing clickbait to generate ad revenue and support a failing business model, Tom Snowdon of the Courier Mail decided to continue this trend and launched a neurolinguistic attack on firearm suppressors: “A MAJOR