Among all the fake outrage about One Nation and the donations from the NRA that didn’t exist last week, came some wise words on firearms and freedom from Senator Fraser Anning: Spot on. David Leyonhjelm has also previously made similar comments. One only has to look
Italy passes home invasion self-defence law while Australians remain defenceless victims
Bravo, Salvini: “The Italian Senate passed the new legitimate defence bill this week, liberalising the previous self-defence code and allowing citizens more options to protect their homes from burglars and other intruders. The reform, which modifies article 52 of the Italian penal code, now allows Italians
“Democracy”: Comrade Nash offers fake 24-hour consultation period for NZ firearm owners
The NZ Labor government have decided they’d champion democracy and equality like they always do and initially offer a farcical 48-hour consultation period to firearm owners, before they use taxpayer money to steal their property: “Public submissions are now being called for Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines,
Jackboot Jacinda magically has gun confiscation laws ready to go within a few days of Christchurch
Just a short time after the Christchurch massacre, Jacinda Ardern seems to have amazingly concocted legislation banning just about every type of firearm in a matter of days: “Police Minister Stuart Nash has introduced legislation changing firearms laws to improve public safety following the Christchurch terror
WTF: SIFA supports national registry
In the midst of the anti-gun propaganda blitzkrieg of the previous week, you may have noticed this release from SIFA: “Australian states and territories committed to enacting baseline firearms controls via the National Firearms Agreement 1996. The NFA was reaffirmed by all Australian jurisdictions in 2017.
LOL: NZ criminals admit they won’t be turning their guns in to Jackboot Jacinda’s “amnesty”
What a surprise: “Neither Fatu nor Black Power’s O’Reilly hide from the fact their gangs have guns – some of them illegal. And neither is willing to concede they should turn them in after the Christchurch attack. “Will gangs get rid of their weapons? No,” Fatu
LOL: Jackboot Jacinda’s gun confiscation to cost NZ taxpayers $500 million
How to bankrupt and disarm a country in one hit: “The cost of New Zealand’s buyback scheme for newly banned semi-automatic weapons could balloon to $500 million, according to the Council of Licenced Firearms Owners (COLFO). That figure is more than double what the Government has estimated.
Leyonhjelm nails it on Pauline Hanson’s Port Arthur comments
As he awaits the results of the NSW election count, which is currently looking favourable, David Leyonhjelm weighed in on the smear against Pauline Hanson for her comments on the Port Arthur Massacre: Spot on. Not the first time David has attempted to get some answers:
MUH NRA: ABC and GetUp go on farcical witch hunt against firearm owners
Here we go again. A torrent of anti-firearm propaganda has swept the country for the umpteenth time, this time alleging One Nation colluded with the NRA to attract donations, which was revealed to be an Al-Jazeera set up: The first red flag is that the whole
NZ Police shut down gun confiscation website in less than 24 hours due to trolling
Well that was even quicker: Guess the Phased Plasma Rifle was too much for them: Good. Nothing a VPN can’t fix though. Less so trolling and more so civil disobedience. 250,000 firearm owners are not going to be pushed over, have their property confiscated and blamed