Shot Show Day 3 The third day of the Shot Show falls on a Thursday every year, and is the last full day of walking mile after mile while you view product after product of the some 1600 plus exhibitors spread over 830 000 square feet.
US NSSF Shot Show Day Two
Shot Show Day 2 – Mossberg & Beretta Maree Davidson, FOU US Correspondent. Day two of the Shot Show led the FOU US team all over the 830 000 square feet of convention, looking for products that were about to be launched in Australia, and products
US NSSF Shot Show Day 1
Shot Show Day 1 Maree Davidson, FOU US Correspondent. As an Australian born and educated firearms enthusiast, ex police officer and firearms instructor, who has lived overseas for some twenty years, I walk into the Shot Show in my home city of Las Vegas, Nevada,
Amnesty? That’s just a technicality.
With yet another official firearms amnesty on the horizon, it seems prudent to bring forward a case that really makes us question the value of these amnesties. Following the COAG resolution to restrict the availability and use of handguns by sporting shooters in late 2002, a
Australia needs a serious conversation on self defence
Aren’t we glad we banned the 7 shot Adler to stop them falling into criminals hands? We’ve written extensively about the failure of the Daniel Andrews’ government crime policies since last September. An event like this was sadly always coming and they failed to heed the
Spread it around.
The best way to save our sport and lifestyle, is to introduce people to it. Take some friends or co-workers out shooting. Keep it simple, keep it friendly, keep it safe.
Are we okay? The cost of gun control on mental health
Originally posted on September 11 2016 – FOU Facebook page. So this week we had ‘R U Okay’ day, a National suicide prevention strategy organised by a charity of the same name, and it got me thinking: There is still such a stigma on mental health
Freedom of Disinformation: QPS WLB strike again
A few days ago, we described how the Queensland Police Service Weapons Licensing Branch appears to frown on the occupational use of pistols by primary producers while the Queensland Police regularly euthanise animals with Glocks. It isn’t just the Police that frown. The Police Minister has described farmers
Desperados: AMF, GCA and David Shoebridge
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any lower. The Herald Sun, at the behest of their Alannah and Madeline Foundation connected board members, released a hitpiece targeting Shooters and Fishers MP Daniel Young claiming he had been “caught” (despite it being on his fb page
Jim Jefferies: Gun Control Blow Hard
Old habits die hard as they say. Well, some do. A video happened to catch my eye last week featuring Conan O’Brien interviewing none other than comedian and ‘illustrious’ Australian gun control blow hard, Jim Jefferies. You know, our favourite? Jefferies’ appearance may have been sparked