On the eve of both the Cootamundra and Murray by-elections and trying to ride the wave of Las Vegas emotion the NSW Nationals, who are living in fear of another Orange backlash, wheeled out two old fossils in vein hope of securing a last minute fear vote.
John Howard and Tim Fischer have both co-signed a letter “pleading” for the public not to vote for the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party in both NSW by-elections this weekend citing “muh Port Arthur” and “muh legacy”.
Here is the letter in question:
The usual lie about no mass shootings, no mention of NZ not having mass shootings despite having far less restrictive gun laws, no mention of Man Monis or Rick Maddison and the rest making his “bans” irrelevant, etc.
All in all, predictable emotive rhetoric that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny from two old fossils suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome.
Predictably, John Howard pulled out the Port Arthur card. Guess what John, that doesn’t work anymore. And the Nationals’ Tim Fischer, the same guy who claimed in 1993 “they’ll never take our guns” then rolled over in 1996 – another “courageous” politician with Australia’s interests in mind.
The Nationals have even resorted to cynically putting these street signs out and outright lying by claiming the SFFP want “US style gun laws”:
The graduate interns at the Nationals hard at work there. Nothing says desperate more than putting the silhouette of a firearm that most Australians’ cannot touch legally anyway, in the hopes of scaring the electorate. The SFFP have not once lobbied for US style gun laws.
Firearms aside, the Nationals have a hell of a lot to answer for over Council Amalgamations, Greyhounds and now the ongoing disputes over Water. That is exactly what happened at Orange and this is the mountain they have to climb.
To add to that, they rolled over on command on the new NSW Draft Firearm Regulations which we have already seen the effect on NSW farmer David Dunstan. That very case has seen Dunstan now have to show cause as to why his firearm licence should not be cancelled and his wife being ordered not to store firearms in the same residence. John Barilaro really going into bat for his constituents there.
The fact the Nationals’ are going hard on guns and hoping to use Las Vegas and Port Arthur as their major selling points just tells you they are palpably fearful and have nothing else to offer the electorate.
Remember this when you cast your vote on October 14th – the Nationals are friends of the Liberal Party.
They are not your friend.
There is a reason why companies do independent audits and scientists do peer review rather than just ask the CEO or Scientist in question, “how did it go?” because few people have the intellectual honesty to say “well after 20 years of stats showing no change in the trend of firearms violence and the statistical fact that we never had enough mass murders with guns before the law change to determine if it has made any difference, I’d have to say that it hasn’t done anything useful”.
So who is surprised that 2 politicians, who both panicked and betrayed their basic conservative principles (personal responsibility and personal accountability), are going to say that it was all for a good reason?
I just hate seeing John Howard, the old fossil. I am surprised he’s still alive! I couldn’t bare to read that letter from him and that poison fish guy! Thanks to you guys for informing me that George Soros was involved in this anti gun hate of that horrible year which I find hard to mention sometimes…. I want to get over it! I wish people were mature and saw how badly the police managed Mann Monis and how insane it was to take the guns of David Dunstan! It’s genuine human rights abuse he’s suffering from. I feel awful for Dunstan! Genuinely I do.
John Howard, George Soros and Tim Fischer… what is their purpose in life? They are miserable old grubs that talk verbal diarrhea. It’s hard to believe they are still alive, these purposely, ridiculous old fossils! 🙁
why aren’t you covering the many, many holes in this Vegas shooting ‘story’, eh?
why are you giving oxygen to the gun-grabbers by buying into the official fairy-tale?
Because we don’t know all the facts and the narrative keeps changing every 5 minutes.
ain’t it the truth?
but: what can be worked out is that the official story of the 65-yr old, retired accountant is totally bogus and that the people shown in hospital having (miraculously) recovered from just being shot with hi-powered rifle rounds is as dodgy as a $3 bill…..
just that there is more than enough to totally khybosh the official narrative or……should I say… fractured fairy tale…..
I’ve yet to see an injury list that breaks it down, but I suspect that a lot of the injuries were stampede/crush injuries rather than gunshot.
re the narrative changing, I suspect much of that is the fact that we had access to a lot of sources, not all reliable, very early in the story.
re the gun grabbers, the simplest answer to them is that every firearm he had was either illegal (bump stocks/auto weapons) or highly restricted (AR/AK) semi autos in this country, yet criminals keep turning up with them here.
Just like the bikie arrested today with a Glock 26 (the concealed carry version), a prohibited weapon and in the hands of an unlicensed criminal.