So, while Victoria implodes into a crime riddled fiasco, Comrade Dan pulls this one out:
Yeh yeh, whatever. “Cross party support” for gun control yet here you are telling off the Liberals.
This is Andrews attempting to point score against the Liberals in an election year and generally being the narcissistic, ultracrepidarian that he is. He uses the usual tactics: false binary comparisons to the United States, “getting guns off the street” without actually explaining how more laws the crooks won’t follow anyway will have any impact, and then the usual dishonest jibe about how firearm laws are being weakened without explaining what exactly that means and what laws are being weakened. Been reading Sam Lee’s playbook?
“Getting guns off the street”, yeh we’ve heard that before. Like the illegal firearm used to hold up O’Reilly’s? Or this tractor used to plough through the side of someone’s house in rural Victoria to steal a safe? It’s not going to happen when less than 3% of shipping containers are checked and Victoria Police have had trouble accounting for their own firearms.
So Dan’s not open to negotiation? The fact that sounds awfully dictatorial for someone who supposedly believes in the rule of law and democracy. It’s a bit like Labor signing off on the Westgate Tunnel without presenting the business case, despite being elected on outrage over the same tactic used by Liberal over the East-West link.
The Combined Firearms Council of Victoria has done some great work highlighting how flawed the proposed legislation is. Even if you are a non-firearm owner that has no interest in shooting, the dangers of you being dragged into warrantless searches and slapped with Firearm Prohibition Orders is huge.
Get real Dan – we know the legislation is not in any way aimed at criminals and is just more of the same incremental gun control that Labor is famous for, dating all the way back to the Cain government. It will not do anything to the already hardened and casual crooks which you are epicly struggling to deal with, particularly considering how weak the judicial system is and how over stretched the Police are.
If you want guns off the street, perhaps start with the PSO’s guarding Spring Street? After all, it’s clear that no-one needs a gun for self-defence. Maybe some legislation for car dealers to stop the next Bourke or Flinders Street?
We’d also be interested to see what those thousands of working class, union members who shoot and hunt think of this legislation – but that’s ok because Dan doesn’t believe in negotiation, even with his own voting base.
You are definitely goneski in November Dan if you don’t change course.
Labor – the workers’ party that disarms the working class.
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