Another wave of anti-firearm propaganda has been unleashed onto the Australian public in an attempt to sell the new National Firearms “Agreement”.
It began a couple of weeks ago with this paid for hit piece from The Guardian’s Paul Farrell, with Gun Control Australia attempting to target NIOA for importing a perfectly legal firearm. GCA’s angle was purely an import restrictions one, apportioning blame to Australian Border Force for GCA’s abysmal 18 month campaign to completely ban a legal shotgun based on pure lies.
The Gold Coast Bulletin then tried to deliberately conflate lawful firearm ownership with firearm crime on the Gold Coast and attempted to smear two politicians and a journalist who attended a pistol range organised by the good folk at Shooters Union. As usual, the “ooga booga NRA” reference just had to make an appearance to compensate for the sheer lack of journalism.
Roland Browne also popped his head up in between breaks from checking George Soros’ regular transfers into his bank account and his general sheer irrelevance, to hopelessly push the false 3D printing narrative to sway Police Minister Rene Hidding and the ongoing review into Tasmania Police’s dogs breakfast changes to the firearm laws.
The Courier Mail also decided to weigh in on the issue by trying to create alarmist hyperbole about an increase in firearm licences in the state of Queensland. The horror of more Australians’ deciding to do the right thing and apply for a firearm licence and not break the law. It’s Ragnarok I tell you!
The (anti) climax though had to be this “special” report by Channel 7 Perth claiming that over a thousand guns had been stolen last year in Western Australia. As usual, no actual evidence was provided and a sit down with a Police officer that may or may not have any firearms experience or knowledge, with a few scary videos of firearms that may or may not have been actually seized in WA, passed as an argument. Well, as we pointed out to Karl O’Callaghan a few weeks ago – what better way to make your case for the “success” of Australia’s firearm laws than alleged rampant firearm theft in the state with the strictest laws in the country. And as always, another sterling argument for the “usefulness” of a firearms registry running off the back of millions of dollars of tax payer money a year. Don’t worry they will track them down.
While all this is going on, Police in two separate jurisdictions are demanding semi-automatic self-loading rifles in order to combat “an increased risk of terrorism.”
Has anyone stopped to think what message this is sending? So in other words, apparently the National Firearms “Agreement” is so great that we’ve got out of control crime and an elevated terrorism threat, so we need to ensure the population is further disarmed and further dependent on an increasingly militarized police force which can’t keep us safe in the first place.
Nothing suss.
The real reason for this new wave of anti-firearm propaganda seems to be an attempt to influence the result of the upcoming Queensland election. Queensland has a real chance of breaking the National Firearms “Agreement” should it decide to reject the new NFA and Adler restriction. Hence, why the authoritarians are focusing their efforts mainly on QLD. Wouldn’t the irony be great if the state that was financially blackmailed into accepting the NFA in 1996 became the same state that told them to go shove it? It is in the realm of possibility should Queenslanders want it bad enough.
Of course, let’s not talk about citizens defending themselves as the lawlessness continues in Victoria. That would just be damn inconvenient and a further waste of Mr Soros’ money.
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