With the Queensland election in full swing, it is well past time for us to put out our advice to shooters on the matter. Simply put, the minor parties – Katter’s Australia Party, One Nation and Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party – are the only parties running that have an explicitly pro-firearm platform. The KAP and SFFP represent the better options of the three for the most part.
For our readers in the Mirani electorate (the hinterland west of Mackay up the coast to Rockhampton), Stephan Andrew from One Nation is a fantastic option. He is seeking re-election this year, and having a licensed gun dealer in parliament, and his presence on the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee in parliament has been a valuable addition for Queensland Gun Owners.
The Liberal Democrats Party is running an independent candidate under their banner in Clayfield, and is a worthy consideration for our followers in that seat.
Mark Scofield for Ferny Grove has also been promoting himself as a pro-firearms candidate, and is another worthy consideration.
Between the two major parties, it is a slight edge to the LNP. We sadly saw the LNP attempt to introduce poorly thought our laws to regulate ‘digital blueprints’ and introduce ‘prohibition orders’. But from ALP we have seen the successful introduction of laws to regulate gel ball blasters as restricted items. Whilst these are certainly not the most restrictive laws that could have been introduced, it is still more than we would have preferred to see. Furthermore under the Qld Labor government we have seen ongoing issues with access to Cat H firearms for Primary Producers. Between the LNP and ALP, In our view there is a slight edge towards the Qld LNP, but it is really much a muchness at this point.
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