Just when we thought that he’d disappeared from the planet completely, our favourite anti-firearm agitprop validation seeker, NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge, reared his head again.
In the latest instalment of perpetual failure, Shoebridge tried his hand at “Mean Tweets” a format made popular by Jimmy Kimmel. This was most recently tried by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, which only resulted in more epic fail and ridicule for Senator Sea Patrol.
While we don’t condone these comments (insults, the calling card of the left, don’t contribute anything to the debate) we can also see frustrated firearm owners tired of not being listened to, being forever treated like criminals and having to endure the eternally dishonest likes of Shoebridge and his ilk routinely lie, slander and harass firearm owners, often unchallenged in the media. It’s also freedom of speech whether you agree with it or not, and we all know what the authoritarian Greens are all about when it comes to that issue. Shoebridge is perhaps the epitome of this – a lawyer that is absolutely petrified of any rigorous debate or intellectual challenge on the issue of firearms that he goes out of his way to avoid any such challenge. His version of a safe space differs from ours, greatly.
And herein lies that Greens’ hypocrisy and sophistry we all know and hate – Shoebridge picks a few tweets from firearm owners and makes them representative of the entire 1.3 million plus firearm owners in this country. Could you imagine the outrage if a similar stunt was directed at any of the minority groups the Greens approve of and that were referred to in some of the tweets? Remember, it’s only minorities they care about (and will vote for them) that matter.
Shoebridge actually provides no proof that these individuals own firearms. It’s fair to say they do however, Shoebridge goes one further and says they are “part of the gun lobby.” Ah yes, the perpetual myth of an NRA style, well funded firearm lobby with limitless media access continues it’s magical neurolinguistic journey in the Australian discourse. It doesn’t exist, however a well funded (meaning with international funds from George Soros’ Open Society, primarily through Rebecca Peters), vocal minority anti-firearm lobby in Australia does exist which can actually be proven.
Further, a sweeping glance of the Facebook pages of Coalition Against Duck Shooting, Hunt the Hunters, etc or any time a firearm article graces the social media pages of the ABC, Guardian, SBS or any other media outlet in this country and the anti-firearm and anti-hunting vitriol begins in earnest. But that doesn’t apply because the Greens approve of it.
And there’s this historical gem from Gun Control Australia (note the free speech invocation):
It’s this kind of pathological conduct from Shoebridge which makes it little wonder the NSW Greens are in complete disarray. It was also quite glaringly obvious that Shoebridge was trying to bait firearm owners into giving him more of the same that he could exploit – much like his laughable recent visit to the Lithgow Arms Factory in NSW. In the trolling game, Shoebridge is not even amateur – he’s just embarrassing.
The kicker in this article – Shoebridge also mentioned that he is travelling to the US to “study the US gun lobby.” Well, we’re sure that will be fair and balanced. The reality is obvious – he’ll travel there, pick some “far right leaning Southern boys” and make them representative of the firearm lobby, in some selectively edited video he’ll put out through his social media channels. No doubt David will also be going to the gun control mecca of Chicago, or perhaps not.
He’s also going on Tom Gresham’s show, and will no doubt attempt to exploit Tom’s lack of knowledge of Australian firearm laws (in fairness Tom probably knows more about our laws than Shoebridge, not difficult) and try to pass off the same garbage narrative about our unsuccessful success and make the same intellectually dishonest comparison between Australia and the USA. He wouldn’t dream of travelling to New Zealand as that would also be the coup de gras for his gun control fairy tale.
The hypocrisy is ever more rank when one takes into account that Victorian Greens MP Greg Barber called Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Senator’s Daniel Young and Jeffrey Bourman recent journeys to the US to study firearm laws “shooting junkets.” Well, I can’t wait to see the expenses audit on Shoebridge’s tax payer funded jaunt to the US. Either that or is he using AMF/GCA/Soros money before it all dries up.
I also further note that Shoebridge had nothing to say about the AKM and Tec-9 recently seized by NSW Police. Kinda hurts your narrative when the members of society that should not have automatics have them despite your bans, doesn’t it?
Shoebridge, much like John Howard and Walter Mikac is clearly suffering from Relevance Deprivation Syndrome – and what’s most amusing is that it only took him under a year to do it.
Lesson, David – if you have to tell lies to prove your point, you’ve already failed to make it.
A lesson David appears not to want to learn. Ever.
Hi mate. Don’t be too hard on our guys. Saul alinsky (author of rules for radicals) once wrote many years ago that ‘ridicule is your most potent weapon’ – a rule that the left deploy constantly and one which (in my opinion) we could do well to employ ourselves in order to combat these leftard turds. About time shooters started standing up for themselves proactively rather than reactively….”open wide and take the medecine Shoebridge …or would you prefer an enema….?
Hi Guys,
I invited David S to meet with my god friend Tom Gresham. I can confirm that DS has had his PA contact Tom for a meeting. Tom is from Louisiana but will be travelling to near where DS will be during his trip in DenverCO.
I should point out that DS is visiting all the left wing antigun states. hardly surprising. he is not REALLY going to get a fair representation in Denver or Austin, Washington Boston or New York. Probably thinking Austin TX represents all of Texas…..WRONG. Austin is like SFO or NYC but placed in Texas.
Anyway I am sure DS will get a proper education if he is game enough to meet with GunTalk TV/Radio host and expert Tom Gresham.
I personally guarantee it. Heck DS might come back with NRA membership!
We were half tempted to gift him one as a joke 😀