We caught up with David Fishlock, from the Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop the Greens), and had a chinwag about firearm laws:
1. Please tell us briefly about yourself, with particular emphasis on shooting and firearms in general.
I am a father of 5 kids, loves fishing and modified cars, enjoy the outdoors and showing my children the outdoors. I am the new bloke you see looking around and trying to understand them. Ask those stupid questions too. I have shot air rifles back in high school and recently fired a 22 rifle. the rifle was a CZ 455. though have fired a pump action, a semi auto and the adler shotgun.
2. What made you enter the political arena, and why did you choose the party you represent?
Prior to the 2013 election, one of the largest online car forums had had enough being treated like criminals and anti-social. They started to look at political party’s and the liberal democrats fitted what even on wanted, less harrassnent and better policing. Also about then the marine park proposal arrived and the proposed area would lock out a lot of area’s to fishers everywhere with some lock outs starting from the 2Nm line. The start of the commonwealth area’. I recieved a phone call from Jim fryar about running and the Outdoor recreation Party was mentioned and they best suited my views.
3. Can you tell us what you see as the biggest barrier to legal firearm ownership in this country currently?
The media and the way that firearms get portrayed in this country. LAFO’s become very close and wary of the media and you see it shooting ranges where photo’s are restricted for fear of firearms being removed by the authorities, even though it is in a safe and supervised controlled area.
4. If elected, what will be the first thing you will aim to do in regards to shooters, and firearm laws in general?
Removal of unjust and illogical firearm laws, such as suppresors, pump actions being put in a different catergory instead of with lever action shotguns
5. We see this election as a pivotal one, regarding small vs major parties in the Senate. How will you be campaigning in order to capitalize on the “dissatisfaction” amongst voters?
I will be using social media and visiting local shooting ranges to see and chat with shooters to listen to there concerns and to actually listen to them.
6. Will this include visiting gun clubs, shops, farmers etc who are clearly disgruntled with the current stigma and red tape?
Yes, I recently visited Bunbury pistol club and the Southwest Conservation and hunting club.
7. We are big advocates for Castle Doctrine, given the amount of violent home invasions in recent times. Is this one of ORP(stop the greens) current policies?
Yes, the right to protect oneself and their family and home is paramount to ensuring that your family feels safe in there own home and is on of our social policies
8. We also believe in the repealing of the NFA, on the grounds of common sense. Will you be pushing for this if elected?
For sure, Working with other pro gun politicians to get a more logical law that does make LAFO’s out as criminals and target gun crime as it should do
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