The same NSW Police that disarmed David Dunstan after defending his family from an ice junkie, spent some tax payer funds with this PR blitz today: Military-style assault rifles have become the latest weapon against terror and organised crime, with specialist police now trained to use
Gun crime marks start of National Firearm Amnesty
Obviously not everyone got the memo. The first week of the national firearm amnesty has not seen a break in gun crime – colour us surprised. A man in Coburg was shot in the leg outside a motel in the early hours of Sunday morning after
Truth bombs – Stop blaming NIOA, and see the bigger picture
“If only bloody NIOA hadn’t made that video” – 50% of online posters “Stop posting about the Adler, you’ll get it banned” – 20% of online posters “Those guys at Shooting Stuff Australia should have their licence taken off them” – some cuck who ended up
Firearm Owners United presents: 3-Gun Nation Australia
Australian Shooters, Firearm Owners United is proud to be the official 3 Gun peak body in Australia. We have attained status under the 3 Gun Nation Banner which has seen massive support and increased participation around the world as an exciting and dynamic sports shooting
Leupold’s Mid-Range Variable Optics
Leupold’s Mid-Range Variable Optics By Damien Edwards When it comes to scope selection for either rimfire or centrefire rifles, the modern shooter has never been so spoilt for choice. In a world seemingly obsessed with 300m varmint shooting, adjustable objectives and 56mm objective lenses, it is
Comparing Australia to the US on gun control: The Argument of Fools
Comparing Australia to the US on gun control: The Argument of Fools In the wake of the terrorist, yes, terrorist attack in Orlando that left 49 dead, the Australian media and it’s legion of indoctrinated followers joined in the universal chorus of deflection for gun control.
Interview with W.A Outdoor Recreation Party candidate David Fishlock
We caught up with David Fishlock, from the Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop the Greens), and had a chinwag about firearm laws: 1. Please tell us briefly about yourself, with particular emphasis on shooting and firearms in general. I am a father of 5 kids, loves fishing
Interview with David Harris, Liberal Democrat candidate for Herbert
We caught up with the Liberal Democratic Party Candidate for Herbert, David Harris! Please tell us briefly about yourself, with particular emphasis on shooting and firearms in general. I’m an ex member of the Australian Defence Force, who now calls Townsville home. I’m a keen hunter
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Victorian Senate Candidate Ethan Constantinou Interview
Our suburb Victorian team caught up with Ethan Contantinou, Victorian Senate candidate for the Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party. Ethan’s a great guy, and we can expect a lot from him on behalf of the shooting body in Victoria when elected. Without further ado, here it is,
Gun review – Covenanter Arms PR-22
Video Reel here: The Australian firearm manufacturing industry has been pretty quiet over the past 20 years. Lithgow of course, is still kicking around, producing products for our soldiers, sailors and air-persons, as well as quality rifles for the civilian shooter. There are a few other