In among the sea of all the usual Australian sanctimonious lecturing about the United States and school shootings, there has been very little discussion at home in Australia about our record on this.
Yes, Australia has also had school shootings:
Note that all bar one of them happened after John Howard’s infamous laws. The obvious retort is that they are far less frequent and severe than the US which nobody here is disputing, however, it shows that school violence is not an exclusive phenomenon to the US. The one at Tomaree happened with a crossbow, but considering how over regulated they are in Australia it’s a valid inclusion. China also has had numerous school stabbings but we hear very little about those.
The much forgotten incident at Monash University in 2002, by itself renders the often misquoted “muh no mass shootings since 1996” meme invalid.
It’s also immensely hypocritical for Australians to moralize at the United States over school shootings and “more laws” when they have also happened in Australia, particularly if we are going to make simplistic, false binary arguments and comparisons between the two countries.
There is also nothing to stop another Monash or similar from happening again at an Australian school. Remember the bomb threats that turned out to be fake in 2016? A recently released Freedom of Information Report also revealed the total number of weapons offences in Queensland in 2016 and what children have been bringing to school.
Furthermore, the Australian media has failed to mention that Jewish and Islamic schools in Australia are protected by armed guards and their security is partially funded by the Australian Government:
“The Federal Government and the peak body representing Jewish Australians last year said Australian Jewish and Islamic schools were under threat from terror attacks. It was followed by an announcement that 54 schools at risk of attack or violence stemming from racial or religious intolerance would receive a share of $18 million to improve security.
The big winners were 17 Jewish schools and 15 Islamic schools, who were able to access the funds to hire security guards and install CCTV cameras. While the schools could spend the money on private security guards and install CCTV cameras there, they were not able to access the federal funds for armed guards, which are reportedly supplied by private firms.”
Some of them are also funded by Israel itself.
Now, whether these schools choose to protect their students with armed guards is their choice entirely. However, it negates the utter hysterics from the Australian press and politicians who have been screaming at Donald Trump and the NRA for the past week over the suggestion of teachers and more guns in schools. By the way it’s also already permissible in 18 states in the United States and also in Israel, so it is hardly a new idea.
It also raises the question: What are these schools afraid of, particularly if Australian gun laws are “world class?”
It’s also since been discovered that the lone Sheriff on duty at Parkland High School was held back from engaging the shooter, because of a departmental policy that prevents police intervention by less than three officers. So on top of the FBI’s failure, it was also Police policy that prevented lives from being saved.
Nothing so far in the Australian press about that.
Until then, expect more of the same sophist, fact-less anti-firearm drivel in the Australian media and on Facebook.
The Bell Tower Times has summed this up very eloquently.
This is perhaps the stupidest article I’ve ever read. First, the fact that after more than 20 years, you can only point to four incidents with a total of three fatalities makes your argument look incredibly weak. Secondly, none of these incidents meets the definition of a ‘mass shooting’ which is what gun laws are most interested in protecting against. I am actually in favour of some gun rights but your ridiculous and desperate attempt to try and make Australia’s gun laws look like anything less than a complete success has only served to increase my support for such laws being enacted elsewhere.
This is perhaps the stupidest comment I’ve ever read.
Firstly, they conceded “obvious retort is that they are far less frequent and severe than the US which nobody here is disputing,” – they said exactly what you are complaining about. What more do you want?
Secondly, people who are shot and not killed are less valid? The article is pointing out that the potential for these incidents is still there.
Thirdly, we’ve had 13 massacres since 1996, 7 with firearms and 8 without. Mass shootings are a completely arbitrary definition that varies between countries and has been changed since 1996 twice, to now 5 or more. The AIC defines it as mass murder and does not discern the method. How is that a definition of success when method substitution has occurred? Maniacs are now running cars into people.
Fourth – we’ve had a 46% reduction in the firearm death rate in the 16 years before 1996. Nothing to do with Australia’s gun laws. Excluding daily gun crimes and shootings from an overall analysis is intellectually dishonest. Go and read
Fifth – NZ has not had a mass shooting either for 21 years either despite no law changes.
Finally, your statement ” ridiculous and desperate attempt to try and make Australia’s gun laws look like anything less than a complete success has only served to increase my support for such laws being enacted elsewhere.” – you were never in favour and are just being a drama queen.
Either that or you are that Alan Krumin wanker from ANFE. But you are QPOL, so that comes with the territory.
Lithgow, get off your high horse idiot. The events listed in the article are not mass shootings, which is what is being discussed everywhere right now. Bringing a revolver on school grounds and firing shots, nobody injured? Scary, yes. Mass shooting? No. The potential is there, the potential will always be there because of guns, but quite simply put, there is no other country in the civilized world that has the frequency and level of school shootings that the USA does, not even close.
It’s baffling why the only answer Americans can come up with to solve this problem is more guns. That they need to arm their teachers, and allow concealed carry. Seriously? More weapons is the answer? That’s going to stop this? Think about that, and actually go about this the right way. This problem needs to be solved from the ground up. The whole mentality of ‘needing guns’ needs to stop.
You call someone an idiot, but fail to consider that the US has over 300 million existing firearms, 2 x porous land borders, it is easy to build firearms (in New Guinea they are making them out of staplers, but for something a bit more advanced, try googling “sten gun plans”), and they have an absolute constitutional right to firearms. so genius, how are you going to stop people getting guns?
Also, the reason the US feels that guns in the hands of good people is the best way to stop bad people is that it works, nobody has demonstrated a better way – it is how we do it. Martin Bryant didn’t stop shooting because he developed a conscience and the idea of leaving all the guns in the hands of police has been destroyed by the revelation that 4 police officers waited outside and did nothing while the Florida shooter murdered children.
The difference here is Trump etc have put up a concrete proposal (to arm teachers) and you have nothing except “solved from the ground up” which is a meaningless platitude. What, exactly, is your plan?
Sorry but where is the proof a good guy with a gun works? It clearly doesn’t work. It’s not working and this couldn’t be clearer to the world. Your children are in pain. It’s not working dude.
You guys are just Stupid. American gun laws make it incredibly easy to buy firearms, and as evidence has shown, kids, KIDS, have access to them. In Australia, there is a grueling process, you need property, you need a license, and you need to go to gun clubs regularly. Gun violence, can’t be controlled with more damn good guns. That’s just childish. You Yanks need to grow up, open your eyes and realize the same things Australia did.
Where is the evidence that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns terry? what do you think the police bring to such occaisions to stop the bad guy (hint, it starts with a “G” and ends with “uns”), or you could google stephan willieford as one quick example (there are plenty).
Galahad, the Australian process isn’t grueling, It is a bit tedious, you don’t need property and I can pass the annual requirement to hold several pistols in 3 visits to my pistol club.
Why do you think people who don’t accept your moral cowardice are American BTW? it turns out that some people would prefer an ability to defend themselves and their families rather than pretend the Govt can do it, try asking your local police just what their average response time in you local area is, then imagine fighting for your life for that long – hoping that the police weren’t extra busy that night.
The Australian government had a solution for gun ownership of now illegal firearms. A national buy back system.
Also you are not allowed to sell your firearm from the boot of your car, like in the states, you have to have a licence before you buy which limits spurr of the moment decissions of killers who act in moments of rage.
The limited capacity of firearms means if someone does fire on another the chances of mass caualties is significantly lessoned.
What most Australians seem to understand is you don’t need an assualt rifle to protect your property or hunt deer.
Australians understand that guns have a place and a purpose in communities but when it comes to public saftey limitations must be set to protect as many people as possible.
Car accidents kill so we have licencing laws, fines, jail time, and seatbelts.
Guns kill so we have licening laws, fines, saftey requirments and capacity standards.
To do nothing in Americia resulting in saving no one, when you could do something and save some, is insane.
The Canadian border is porous? Do you think you are about ti be invaded by imiigrants from a country that has better healthcare than America?
Drugs are more often smuggled INTO Mexico from America rather than the other way around. America is Mexico’s gun problem.
“we’ve had a 46% reduction in the firearm death rate in the 16 years before 1996. ”
From the average population unweighted gun death rate was 3.8 (16 years prior), since then (to 2016) it is 0.36. That is a reduction of 64% (not 46%). ACCIDENTALLY loose fingers on the keyboard trigger ? See how dangerous it is ?
Are you seriously suggesting that the 64% reduction was nothing to do with gun controls, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE RATE OF REDUCTION INCREASED SEVERAL FOLD WHEN GUN CONTROLS WERE INTRODUCED ?
Why is it then that in the corresponding period 1999 to 2016 (the range from the rate in the US INCREASED BY 15% ?
If there were space here I could dump 25 years of gun control data analysis – showing that no matter what demographic you use to analyze the data (population size, geographic area, system of government, language spoken, religion …) the ONE consistent factor that IS correlated with reductions in gun deaths – is GUN CONTROLS !!
And yes Australia has had “mass shootings” – but since gun controls – NOT ONE IN A GFZ AND THAT COVERS 95% of the population ! Who would have thought that GUN FREE ZONES WORK ?
Even if it were really not absolutely obvious that mandatory background checks, and mandatory training reduced gun deaths, the overwhelming global evidence from around the world (AND comparing US states by gun fatality rates vs strength of gun controls – AS ASSESSED BY GUNS AND AMMO THEMSELVES !) shows that gun controls work !!
You have it based on THEORY AND EVIDENCE . What else is there ?
Firearm death rate is not firearm homicide rate – eg if I tell a police officer that I am about to detonate my ACME tactical nuclear weapon in the Sydney CBD and he shoots me dead, that is counted as a “firearm death”, but is not a “firearm homicide” as it is a legally justified killing.
Also if I decide that my terminal cancer is too much for me to cope with and shoot myself, that suicide is counted as a “firearm death”, the fact that in the same circumstances without a firearm, statistically I’m most likely to hang myself does not change the actual suicide rate it just moves it to the hanging/strangulation category.
This is why “” counts “firearm deaths”, rather than the more honest “firearm homicide” category, they are well known for lying with statistics – the question is – do you know that already or are you just another of their dupes? and if you are just one of their dupes, are you prepared to change your opinion?
re mandatory training, having done it, it is a joke – 20 rds of .22lr and 6 rds of 12 ga plus a bunch of multiple choice questions (most unrelated to actual firearm handling) – it was the perfect example of a bureaucrats approach to safety (as an ex-military firearms instructor, I am well qualified to comment on just how lacking that training is).
I’d like to see your reference from “Guns and Ammo” re how effective gun control is, but off the bat I’d say “Chicago” – some of the toughest gun laws in the US and a casualty rate higher than Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001.
You see, the definition of a criminal is someone who doesn’t obey laws.
Fun fact . chicago demonstrates that gun controls work ! When chicago introduced its strong gun controls 30 years ago , gun deaths plummeted ! When the gun laws were overturned as unconstititional , gun deaths (rate) shot up again !
The point of gun controls is to reduce gun deaths HOWEVER CAUSED. Suggesting that human lives have different values depending if they are homicides or suicides or police shootings is obscene. But if you want to play that game, firearms death rates in ALL those categories reduced significantly when Australia introduced gun controls.
You can use US state firearms death rates and guns and ammo own ratings of gun controls, and guess what …. US data from the gun lobby itself shows that GUN CONTROLS WORK ! If you dont believe my analysis ,do it yourself – i have done it every year using gun lobby ratings , and EVERY YEAR SHOWS THAT GUN CONTROLS WORK.
It does not matter how you try to fudge your data (only murders by left handed people during a full moon maybe ?) GUN CONTROLS WORK.
I’m afraid Denis F, you are simply a liar, you make up your “facts” and are stupid enough to think they can’t and won’t be checked – “39,000 homicides: Retracing 60 years of murder in Chicago”, from the Chicago Tribune (it has a yearly chart),
and as you will note, the homicide rate didn’t plummet 30 years ago. it went up, quite dramatically in fact – “Homicides soared to 920 in 1992, the highest number since 1973” wow, that is pretty solidly in your “30 years ago tough gun control was introduced” timeframe isn’t it? (Hint, it is 3 years into it and from the year you quote, the death rate spiked upwards).
Gun controls don’t work, at best they shift the deaths to a different category but don’t prevent the death and they increase the number of deaths by ensuring that law abiding citizens cannot deter nor defend against an attack (and the CDC disagrees with you on this too).
But given that I’ve already proved you to be a liar as above, there is no reason for anyone to believe you nor for me to engage with you further.
If you were an honest man you’d simply apologise for wasting peoples time and trying to decieve them, but I think we can safely say that won’t be happening.
I think this article is comical- as an Australian proud of our gun controls I am thrilled we don’t have the ‘trump’ NRA mentality here- and I also have to question the definition of mass shootings re the comment ‘The much forgotten incident at Monash University in 2002, by itself renders the often misquoted “muh no mass shootings since 1996” meme invalid’ WTF??!! 2 people dead 5 injured is not a ‘mass shooting’ next to the carnage in the USA- quite frankly – you’re too stupid to talk to!!
“Islamic schools were under threat from terror attacks.” I’d like to see the supporting evidence for that, it looks to me like a political square up for the Jewish school funding.
also, it seems that there were 4 police officers who waited outside and did nothing –
So you have departmental policy and individual incompetence/cowardice combining to kill many of those children.
Ask yourself this, given the multiple failures of FBI, Local Police, School Board and topping it off with the final failure of the police on the ground at the time to provide the help that the students were waiting for – is it reasonable to leave the safety of yourself and your family exclusively in the hands of Govt and are you prepared to tell your elected representatives that it is a vote changer for you?
Wow. I had no idea about the Jewish and Islamic schools angle. For the rest of us, it’s tough kosher or halal cheese. I’m not going to forget about that.
About the US, I am a bit confused about something. Most places there now allow people to carry, so what’s to stop a teacher taking a gun to school no matter what the policy of the local school board or whatever? Florida was in fact the first state to introduce, or revive, allowing people to carry, so why were there no armed teachers (apart from the fact that most teachers are anti’s)? Unless the teachers and other staff are searched on a daily basis, there might have been one or two armed staff there.Surely if the mainstream account is correct, the shooter would not know if there were no armed people to deal with, so as I say, I’m a bit confused.
The law prohibits firearms in schools, they are “Gun Free Zones”, hardly surprising but lunatics see gun free zones as shooting ranges where they are guaranteed an amount of time with no resistance. Some of those teachers probably had their guns in their cars (if parked off campus), getting caught with a gun on campus won’t just get you sacked, it is a criminal offence (Federal IIRC).
FYI Australia made more than 95% of the country (population wise) a GFZ over 20 years ago. Since then NOT A SINGLE MASS SHOOTING IN A GFZ ! But yes a couple of mass shootings in twenty years in non GFZs.
Who could have predicted that common sense controls would work ?
This too is a lie on Denis Fs part, easily disproved, but since he provides no references and has been proved to be a liar previously, I’m not going to bother with references either.
@Laura — The media has done a great job of putting the blind over people. America’s gun laws can be really really great, other times a contradiction and then at other times freakishly like Australia (ie New York, California and New Jersey.) I was shocked when I first found out about this a few years ago! I still think it’s insane because it goes against their constitution. State rights are strong there but Demon Howard apparently threatened the States funding in Australia if they didn’t go along with his new gun laws in his ruthless dictatorship. I think it’s quite Satanic how John Howard can claim to be Christian (Anglican!)
Did you call John Howard a demon
That’s just being a prick, I would think your god would prefer the person doing the best for his country and people than someone American preaching gospel about how good the second amendment is while a shooting is happening in the background
So, Kai, while a shooting is going on you believe that it is advantageous that no law abiding citizens are armed? interesting viewpoint.
Someone tries to rob a store. Someone calls the police, a bystander takes out their gun. Tries to help. Another bystander takes out their gun, they didn’t see it happen. Shot the bystander not the robber. Cop shoots second bystander. More guns don’t help.
What more can you say, except your an idiot.
Please look at the Wiki link regarding mass shootings or murders (by other weapons or means.) Don’t call experts idiots! Call the media idiots!
The author of this article is an idiot. Our gun control laws work.
Decades without mass shootings.
There were was at least 1 mass shooting last year in WA, there have been many mass shootings or murders since 1996. Who cares what weapon they use! A crime’s a crime, right? Have a look for yourself!
That Wiki article is proof our gun laws don’t work!!!
Sorry did you just try to quote wikipedia to make a point?
1. Since Australia introduced gun controls there have been no mass shootings in GFZs.
2. The rate of gun deaths has fallen for homicides, suicides and police shootings.
3. There is no evidence of substitution – extensive studies have shown this.
Yet again no references from Denis.
1. Is a lie but since dishonest Denis never provides references, nor will I.
2. is irrelevant (if someone is murdered does it matter if they are killed by gun, knife, hammer or hand – still dead), suicide they generally turn to rope rather than gun now, so that hasn’t helped (rope control?) and I have no idea why you think gun control would have any impact on police shootings – they are authorised (required) to carry a gun in public you idiot.
3. Plenty of evidence for substitution, you are just ignoring the general decline in crime and slight decline in suicides across the west in general and preteding gun control did it.
As I’ve noted previously Denis, you are a demonstrated liar there is zero point engaging with you in future.
Lol this article is hilarious – kids in Australia don’t have to do traumatic drills at school practicing for a mass shooting. America’s refusal to reign in gun use (not
Even talking about banning guns, just restricting use and types of firearms) amounts to a human rights abuse and will surely become a mental health disaster for generations to come.
I work in a high school in Australia and we do “active shooter” drills about annually.
ONE shooting. Which was before 1996. You lying cunt.
As someone living in Australia, having grown up in Australia and went to school in Australia, I’ve never feared being shot in my life. Ever. I’ve never had to go to school and wonder if the same thing that happened in another school, may happen to me. I’ve seen the news, every day of my life, and never once have I heard a frequency of shootings and massacres that the US has. I can’t say the same for the thousand or so children that have already died this year or been injured in America due to gun violence.
Let’s compare SCHOOL shootings (*) for the current decade (normalized until 31 Dec 2019)
USA has the highest rate (school shooting deaths / million / decade) of any country in the world.
1 USA 0.67
2 Canada 0.12
3 Brazil 0.06
4 Spain 0.02
Now Let’s compare UNIVERSITY shootings (*) for the current decade (normalized until 31 Dec 2019)
USA has the highest rate (university shooting deaths / million / decade) of any country in the world.
1 USA 0.39
2 Russia 0.14
Now Let’s compare TOTAL SCHOOL and UNIVERSITY shootings (*) for the current decade (normalized until 31 Dec 2019)
USA has the highest rate (school and university shooting deaths / million / decade) of any country in the world.
1 USA 1.06
2 Russia 0.14
3 Canada 0.12
4 Brazil 0.06
5 Spain 0.02
So this decade, USA is #1 globally in school shooting deaths AND university shooting deaths AND TOTAL school and University shooting deaths
OK the author wants to compare USA with Australia ONLY since gun controls (1997).
SCHOOL shootings : USA 0.67, Australia 0.00 (ZERO)
University Shootings : USA 0.39, Australia 0.13
Total Shootings : USA 1.06, Australia 0.13
So since Australian gun controls – Australia is dramatically lower than USA in terms or school or shooting deaths.
“school violence is not an exclusive phenomenon to the US.”
No – no one is suggesting that it is – the difference is that other countries recognize that it is a problem, and are taking concrete steps to address it e.g. gun controls, yet despite the decades of global data available to the US – it steadfastly ignores preventing the problems, and focuses on reactive solutions such as selling protective gear to students.
“muh no mass shootings since 1996 is invalid”
Provide ANY organization that considers two deaths a mass shooting – the FBI certainly doesn’t. Australia has STILL never had a mass shooting at a school OR a university. Hint US Congressional Research Service = FOUR or more people shot and killed. US Congress defines it as THREE people shot and killed. USA Today, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPO, Economist, BBC define it as FOUR or more people shot and killed
“There is also nothing to stop another Monash or similar from happening again at an Australian school.”
There are MANY factors stopping it. It is extremely difficult for people to obtain weapons without going through background checks and mandatory training, and any private citizen seen with a weapon in a GFZ is automatically committing an offense – and would result in numerous calls to police. Criminals have even complain ed how hard it is to obtain weapons ! MAYBE THAT IS WHY SINCE GUN CONTROLS, AUSTRALIA HASN’T HAD A SINGLE MASS SHOOTING IN A GFZ (WHICH COVER 95% of the POPULATION).
“the Australian media has failed to mention that Jewish and Islamic schools in Australia are protected by armed guards and their security is partially funded by the Australian Government:”
Firstly, Muslims represent only 2.6% of the Australian population, and Jews only 0.4% (ABS data). There are only 19 Jewish, and 35 Islamic day schools in the entire country ! Many muslims and jews go to government run schools – and don’t go to religious schools. There are 9,393 schools in Australia – jewish and Islamic schools represent only 0.3% of total schools ! Of those 54 schools, only 32 have been given government funding to cover security (e.g. CCTV) – which doesn’t cover armed guards. So if you want to adjust the above figures for Australia by 0.3% (!) Then the rate would STILL have been 0.13 (less than one eighth of USA) !
“It’s also immensely hypocritical for Australians to moralize at the United States over school shootings and “more laws” when they have also happened in Australia,”
WHAT ? Is the author seriously suggesting that countries that “only” do something ten or a hundred times better than the US, shouldn’t be allowed to comment ? So if a country with strong successful gun controls had a firearms death rate of ONE MILLIONTH that of the US – would you seriously be claiming “Ah but theirs isn’t zero – so they have no right to comment” ? Who was it who was complaining about “false binary comparisons” ? YOU did !!! Congratulations on your hypocrisy award.
“What are these schools afraid of”
Sadly the world is full of religious bigots, each insistent that their religion is the right one – and convinced that their god has instructed them to kill adherents of a different religion (despite often following the same god – go figure). Australia isn’t concerned about the average person in the street (who isn’t even armed) – but the religious fundamentalists willing to sacrifice their lives for some religious ideology. That is why we don’t feel the need to protect our academic institutions with armed guards. The religious schools represent only 0.34% of Australia schools !!
“Until then, expect more of the same sophist, fact-less anti-firearm drivel in the Australian media and on Facebook.”
So having focused on the 0.3% of schools in Australia as somehow being representative (which the author fails to mention), the author has the temerity to complain about “facts” ? And this article wins the irony award for cherry picked data, and completely misrepresenting reality – in addition to the above hypocrisy award.
(*)excluding military terrorist attacks
YOU REALLY want to compare what has happened with gun controls in Australia in the same period in the US ?
Comparing rates in 1997 (before gun controls) with rates in 2016 (nearly 20 years since controls) :
• Australian Gun Deaths (all mechanisms) fell by 55.1%, while American Gun Deaths (all mechanisms) rose by 97.1%.
• Australian Homicides fell by 46.1%, while American Homicides fell by 19.0%.
• Australian Gun Homicides fell by 58.1%, while American Gun Homicides rose by 32.3%.
• Australian Suicides fell by 15.2%, while American Suicides rose by 23.3%.
• Australian Gun Suicides fell by 55.0%, while American Gun Suicides rose by 6.76%.
• Australian Unintentional Gun Deaths fell by 80%, while American Unintentional Gun Deaths fell by 66.2%.
• Australian Legal Gun Deaths fell by 25%, while American Legal Gun Deaths fell by 8.33%.
If you define a mass shooting as THREE or more people shot and killed :
• In the decade prior to Australian gun controls, Australia had 121 killed in 13 incidents per annum (normalized to US population).
• In the decade prior to Australian gun controls, USA had 12 killed in 2 incidents per annum.
• In the period since Australian gun controls, Australia has had 14 killed in 3 incidents per annum (normalized to US population).
• In the period since Australian gun controls, USA had 272 killed in 351 incidents per annum.
• Thus in the period while Australia’s mass shooting incident rate FELL by 75%, America’s ROSE by a factor of 206.
• And in the period while Australia’s mass shooting fatality rate FELL by 88%, America’s ROSE by a factor of 22.
And If you define a mass shooting as FOUR or more people shot and killed :
• In the decade prior to Australian gun controls, Australia had 121 killed in 13 incidents per annum (normalized to US population).
• In the decade prior to Australian gun controls, USA had 12 killed in 2 incidents per annum.
• In the period since Australian gun controls, Australia has had 8 killed in 1 incident per annum (normalized to US population).
• In the period since Australian gun controls, USA had 73 killed in 13 incidents per annum.
• Thus in the period while Australia’s mass shooting incident rate FELL by 90%, America’s ROSE by a factor of 7.6.
• And in the period while Australia’s mass shooting fatality rate has FELL by 93%, America’s ROSE by a factor of 6.
Prior to the 1997 gun controls, 80% of mass shootings (4 or more killed) were in areas now called GUN FREE ZONES (but not at the time). Since gun controls – Australia hasn’t had a single mass shooting (4 or more killed) in a Gun Free Zone (that now covers 95% of the population).
You complain about “fact-less anti-firearm drivel” yet there is clearly a very good reason why you avoid formal analysis yourself – BECAUSE CLEARLY THE DATA CONTRADICTS PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING YOU CLAIM.
Shall I drown you in several hundred other pages of analysis that I have completed, ALL debunking the nonsense that gunaholics spout about gun controls – or do you now admit that you have made up claims without examining the full facts ?
Awesome into, thank you 🙂
thank you
Denis, where are you getting your info from?
There’s not a single source in your entire list of statistics.
Denis doesn’t do sources (or facts), he makes it up as he goes,
Literal children die in numbers of 10’s and 20’s every month in you country.
The wiki articles publised in earlier posts by gun lovers don’t even legitimise your theories. There have been more shootings in the states this year than there have been in Australia in 20.
uses data from new zealand a completely different country to australia but its australia according to you
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up