Well that was even quicker:

Guess the Phased Plasma Rifle was too much for them:

Good. Nothing a VPN can’t fix though.
Less so trolling and more so civil disobedience. 250,000 firearm owners are not going to be pushed over, have their property confiscated and blamed for the actions of one person.
It’s a small victory and the bigger battle lies ahead, but it’s one battle in a wider war. The message has been sent by the global firearm community.
Give them nothing.
Wattz Electronics makes a pretty good phased plasma rifle. Personally, though I prefer the Yuma Flats Energy Consortium’s YK42B Pulse rifle. Shame it practically eats MFCs.
You’re forgetting about the Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems units.
They cant have my Overthruster!
You’re not lying I still prefer the Gauss rifle, kind to MFC’s while still maintaining plenty of power.
Nah man gotta take the revenant assault rifle
What about a big ‘ole honkin’ space gun?
My question is simply this. Barely one week out from the event yet there is already a fully functioning digital infrastructure in place to facilitate a government initiated confiscation programme. It would take a well resourced corporate months to get this up and going yet a government department can do it in under a week…and barely 24 hours after the government’s announcement of law change? Please explain
It’s an online form putting info into a database. It wouldn’t take someone using a template months to get going, you can have something similar for yourself in a few minutes. there are premade templates for submitting user information for, say, shipping goods to you. it’d be the same sort of thing that they’re using here.
Dean it’s simple, they’ve planed this. They either knew the man was going kill those people or they facilitated it.
Start with – infiltrate, instigate, agitate,
manipulate, and then facilitate – fallowed by what you see now going on.
Drop down forms on a website only take a few hours at most to build..
Spot on Dean..
You done yeed yer last haw
This guy gets it^^^^
But take from them everything.
VPN to New Zealand and keep filling out those forms jajaja
We stand in solidarity with our New Zealand gun-owning brethren.
Running a promotion on my website for the very thing! http://wojtekweaponry.com/
Nice site N8, Greetings from Christchurch.
lol I found this on the form page:
This step is required to prevent automated spam submissions.
Math question *
one times five equals
Solve this math question and enter the solution with digits. E.g. for “two plus four = ?” enter “6”.
Well at leat the dumbass trolls will be stoped but in todays day and age of VPN’s etc there will always be trolls 🙂
People keep on forgetting that NZ has just over 4 and a half million people across our entire little country. Usually a simple form on the police website would suffice but yeah nah…
Wait …. I don’t think 250000 people are going to go away quietly into the liberal night
Them: how many people have to die before you give up your gun rights
Me: All of them
Just kidding. Not even then.
Give them the bullets first!
NEVER give up your guns. EVER.
From my cold dead hands
Is it fair to assume they will next confiscate cars after someone is killed in a vehicle or drunk driving?
No retreat
No surrender.
If you allow them to take your weapons, that will be only the beginning of your problems.
It only gets worse from there.
Good luck NZ.
Come and take it, Old 300
The software to sign up for obamacare cost 1.7 billion dollars, was not ready on time. took at least two years to complete from beginning to end. Granted that software and website was more advanced but it seems highly unlikely this site could have been in place so suddenly Unless they were given PRIOR knowledge. That opens up a whole nother can of worms.
Spot on Dean !!!
I tried this morning but it was already down.
What I wanted to post was
Make: Your Mom
Model: High Capacity
Serial Number: None
Calibre: Huge
Beer and liquor are evil people will learn to do with out you will see only good will come from outlawing this. Evil you will see
Why police and gouverment are basicaly a buch of retarded normies that dont understand the internet , now they will get their ass handled to them thanks to the vpn
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! You can have my gun when you pry my cold, dead fingers from around it!!!!!!! Facebook took away the middle finger emoji, so I’m just going to have to say… Fuck you.
Make us you twat.
Make us you twat. Oh wait, you have no guns.
First thing NZ Police need to explain is why they had a trained SWATesque team “training” for a mass shooting a mere 6 minutes drive from the attack.
Fellas, appreciate your work.
Here is a list of proxies based in NZ that you can use (google your browser’s name and ‘proxy’ to figure out how) to continue to submit entries on this form.
What I will note, is something even better than just sending jokes to our gungrabbing pigs, is sending in ‘realistic’ forms with made up names and the details of businesses that would be amused by a little police attention (kebab-run convenience stores etc). You can easily find an example of a NZ firearms license online, and it isn’t hard to get serial number ranges for stuff that’s already very illegal for private citizens to hold at home like Webleys and Lugers and Bren/Maxim/Lewis guns.
I’m effing shocked!!! WTF! Take people’s guns?!? Are they idiot?! What kind of idiots do they take gun owners for in the first place? What do you think they bought guns for!? To give them to some random stranger who puts up a idiotic blip that is a photon thick?! Find out who’s behind it follow these inbreeds and publicly shame them into oblivion! Two can play that game!!!
What I find interesting is that this law passed so fast it makes one wonder if they did not have this in the works waiting on an event to give it just the boost to get it passed. Great job Trolls! Love the Marty Robbins reference.
Kiwis dont roll over like mongrel dogs , As we did in Australia. We got sold down the river by our pollies and our so called shooting organisations dont let your TRAITOROUS Prime Minister sell you out. When the gun crusher vans arrive at you town ignore them . When the cops turn up resist them remember they carnt put everyone in goal.DO NOT make the same mistakes we in Australia did Good Luck to you all remember ITS BETTER TO DIE A FREE MAN THAN LIVE AS A SLAVE. From the land of frightened children that Australia has become. Jim Wood
Just go down and turn them in…all at once. then, since you’re there, change your mind and kick the dozen or so bumbs out.
You want all the bullets first?