Old habits die hard as they say. Well, some do.
A video happened to catch my eye last week featuring Conan O’Brien interviewing none other than comedian and ‘illustrious’ Australian gun control blow hard, Jim Jefferies. You know, our favourite? Jefferies’ appearance may have been sparked by being “outdone” by his fellow “be crude when you can’t be clever” comedic compatriot Alex Williamson, whose recent anti-firearm rant after the Orlando shootings was cringeworthy to say the least.
Jefferies, when prodded by O’Brien about his past statements and positions on gun control, said “America you already have guns, all we’re asking for is a little more. Like terrorists not being able to buy guns.”
And it was then I wrote yet another invoice for time and IQ points lost thanks to unrelenting dumb.
Firstly, if Jefferies bothered to avail himself of the NRA’s official position at all, he would’ve found it was essentially that you should not be able to purchase a firearm while the FBI is conducting any investigations, and then if exonerated your 2nd amendment rights are returned to you. This little thing called due process and innocent until proven guilty. Omar Mateen had twice been investigated by the FBI and had found no wrong doing. Yes, those pesky things called rights which regressives love to scream for but somehow magically don’t apply when the right in question doesn’t suit them. Don’t worry, Jefferies and his authoritarian brethren’s love of government watch lists won’t have them in North Korea or Cuba any time soon. Do as we say, not as we do.
Terrorists not being able to buy guns? Guess the guys at the Bataclan didn’t get the memo.
‘A little more.’ We’ve gotten familiar with that death by a thousand cuts linguistic play book every day for about 20 years, even longer stateside. So when is ‘more’ enough? We know the answer to that and those of the control freak persuasion know they can never quantify or outright admit what they really want. Jim had obviously been speaking with a Democratic delegate prior to his appearance on Late Night. Because “a little more” sounds all common sense and reasonable and right in dem feels, right?
More laws. Like all those “laws” that prevent Jim from taking all those drugs he repeatedly boasts about?
I have always found it rather ironic that the California-residing Jefferies, has so far been unable to make the connection that the coke going up his nose has as much gun violence induced blood on it as any western bride’s engagement ring. Jefferies is in good company with the rest of the Hollywood based gun grabbing progressives, with his recreational indulgences coming at a casual cost of 20,000 + dead Mexicans a year at the hands of illegal firearms (supplied in part from Obama himself) in a country with firearms controls as strict as the UK. But nah, moral high ground and all that.
Jefferies recent salvo is yet another day in the life of the unending, pretense of “I’m Australian and I know better when it comes to gun control.” This self-righteous bs is a discussion for another time, and as aforementioned, unrelenting dumb. And we’ve already written on the futility of comparison.
To be quite honest, Americans really don’t care what Australians think about their gun laws and neither should they. It’s not our business much the same as our internal affairs isn’t their business. Maybe Jefferies should start making inquiries as to why lawmakers in his own People’s Republic of California voted to exempt themselves from the recent Gunpocalypse debacle?
“Yeh but he’s just a comedian”
Of course. However, there are a large number of the Australian public who actually buy into his (easily debunked) ‘arguments’. Because who better to listen to than a guy who mocks those who carry firearms for self defence, being the same guy who cowered and ran away when a drunken Mancurian heckler threw haymakers from last week at him on stage?
Jefferies is also one voice in a growing legion of predominantly left leaning moral dictators who masquerade as comedians on late night television, and seem to take it upon themselves to be the moral adjudicators of all that is right and wrong – gun control being a go to topic. Just don’t mention the gun violence or per capita homicide rate in The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah’s native South Africa, or that kinda might take the shine off of his next self-aggrandizing rant.
I’ve also never quite understood the current throng of statist comedic gun control shills being foreigners (Noah, Jefferies, that muppet John Oliver and let’s not forget that knob Piers Morgan and Mr holier than everyone Ricky Gervais) who apparently have the right to go into someone else’s country and tell the locals how to live? All the while being happy to live in the US and make untold millions from the level of opportunity they normally wouldn’t have back home. The hypocrisy.
The self-righteous, emotive wank game is a crowded business these days, but while Waleed Aly may have a stranglehold on the pretentious moral posturing viral video market in Australia, Jefferies is still seen as the go to for gun control. Comedy is a very effective propaganda tool and also an easy out for those types who make spurious claims when challenged on them (“we’re just comedy man”) – the default tactic of that skid mark on the underwear of Australian journalism, aka The Project.
Jefferies and his ilk are best ignored. Or ruthlessly mocked.
Now f*** off Jim, we like guns.
Do you think your second amendment rights extends to nuclear armaments? Or is it simply all of the other killing machines that were inconceivable to the authors of the Constitution.
I am also curious how it is that you are so concerned about terror suspects being treated as innocent until proven guilty and have not expressed any concern about all of the other items of legislation which already does exactly that.
Yes it does..as a collective of people..you own them..your choice as a populous to have them or disarm..your choice..
The rational of terrorists getting previously checked out as ok…is the point..you can’t make laws on already tough laws that are clearly failing to be enforced…
Prohibition laws have never worked…it just creates more money and jobs for bloated government…