Right on the back of UN Disarmament week, it’s the latest instalment of “look at what your local Police jurisdiction did without really doing anything” media parade:
“More than 8300 guns – including 413 shotguns and 1373 rifles – have been surrendered to police and dealers as part of the state-wide Firearms Amnesty.”
Yeh I don’t know about your maths, but that leaves approximately 6514 firearms unaccounted for. It’s highly likely that the rest are firearm parts being counted as firearms again to make it look better than it was. Quelle surprise.
Looks like NSW Police might be pulling the same stunt their Victorian counterparts did a few months ago. Interested to see how many glue guns were turned in this time.
On the face of it, most of them look like the standard rusted bolt actions and .22’s from deceased estates that don’t work anymore. And where would we be without the usual “muh fully automatic AR15 assault rifle” carry-on.
On another note, FOU has learned that there is discussion among some Police jurisdictions around Australia to exclude dealers from being able to receive surrendered firearms. It is true that some dealers don’t like having this role for a variety of reasons, completely understandable, but it should not be not an option entirely – essentially it’s more Police coercion.
Realistically speaking, permanent firearm amnesties should be in place in every Australian state.
If NSW Police want to actually do something positive firearm related, then how about getting off Brad Towner’s case and stop trying to destroy his life over toy firearms?
What you need to do is disarm your police…..in America what the police have I have…what the military has I can have.( With special permits)…..what gives…..a rusted bolt action 22…that what you buy at a yard sale for $25 to teach your 7 year old firearm safety.