As many of our viewers will have seen by now , the farce that is the West Australian government has implemented a total closure of all gun shops in the state. The public “servants” have enacted this under the emergency powers act, signed today at 10:50 and delivered to gunshops an hour after, to take effect at 11:59 AM today.
This action is absolutely disgraceful, at a time when general retailers (including such establishments as the absolutely essential JB Hi Fi) are still permitted to be open. The clown like political machinations of the West Australian government are on plain display.
This action has been justified by the Premier, who claims that due to the closure of firearm ranges and clubs that there is no need for the stores to be open. Furthermore he claims that exemptions will allow farmers to purchase ammunition.
These are blatant lies, the Premier should hang his head in shame and our organisation will not forget, nor forgive, his deceitful nature. Quite plainly, there is no exemption to allow farmers or other occupational shooters to purchase ammunition, firearms and other accessories; and to say otherwise is a bold faced lie.
Furthermore, to typify the shooting community as utterly dependent upon the operation of shooting ranges and clubs is another load of absolute tripe from the Premier’s office. Indeed in these trying times, where meat is hard to source from the shops with the grotesque panic buying taking place, many hunters will keenly be resorting to harvesting their own meat from properties on which they can shoot. This activity remains totally lawful, indeed hunting being a primarily solitary pursuit on large rural properties complies with the social distancing guidelines – more so than probably any other activity.
This action is nothing more than a gutless attack on the shooting industry and sport, and one that is totally unjustified. If general retail was closed then certainly we could understand this move, however this is not the case. The shooting industry has been singled out for special treatment by a vindictive government, who are distinctly devoid of a spine.
As wryly noted by Beaton Firearms, this move is totally counterproductive to any notions of community safety, indeed forcing gunshops to now be unattended for months at a time is now spotlighting them as prime targets for burglars. However community safety or common sense, or indeed anything that could be confused for intelligence, has clearly not crossed the mind of the dishonourable Mark McGowan.
At a time when our communities need support, and should be trying to work constructively together to help manage such a massive public health emergency, the divisive move from the McGowan government is truly deplorable. We and our followers will be aggressively targeting the McGowan Labor Government come the 2021 West Australian election.
This is exactly why Amercans hold onto the second amendment so dearly.
Socialist left Labor Goverments are in bed with China and we need to be very very careful.
What do you expect?
WA is usually the front-runner for the title of the most cucked state in Australia, although these days let’s face it, it’s just become a game of “pass-the-buck-to-be-the-most-cucked”. WA’s isolation and relative insignificance does shield it from a lot of the bullsh*t going on in Melbournistan and Sydney these days, especially the lack of violent crime sprees, (false flag) terrorist attacks and general social degeneracy.
Whatever dystopian, tyrannical horsesh*t NSW and VIC come up with, it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the states have to follow suit (they’re sort of akin to the France and Germany of our little political union), and it’s always NSW and VIC proposing the worst laws to gun ownership by far.
WA’s problem has always been WAPOL. Their entire mentality and the views of their senior leadership is straight out of an LAPD handbook circa 1990. We can do whatever the fuck we want, everyone’s a potential hardened-criminal until proven innocent and no one has any right to recourse against law enforcement abuses of power. There’s a bunch of senile, demented and thoroughly ignorant old fucks at its helm (a lot of whom are Freemasons and vertically-integrated into state and local politics because they’re all secret members of the same homoerotic fetish club) who relish the chance to militarise their police force to an extent surpassing the display at Ferguson and who cream themselves over jack-booted displays of authoritarian power like CHOGM.
WAPOL is full of insecure, formerly-abused little boys and beta cucks who want to push people around and feel powerful for once in their lives and they have an intense loathing for anyone who views gun ownership, self defence, freedom of speech and freedom of political association as fundamental human rights. But then, I repeat myself, as most cops are insecure dipshits who got bullied in their formative years and couldn’t hold down a job at Macca’s, but because police departments have a mandated policy of not hiring anyone with IQs above mildly retarded, who can unquestioningly follow orders, you end up with their ranks being filled with tribal-tatted, shaved-head, Neanderthals who would be members of warlord militias, terrorist groups, drug cartels and violent gangs if they were born into 3rd-world countries.