If Mark Latham’s comments weren’t already an indication that was the case, it now comes straight from the horse’s mouth:
Regardless of your opinion on Andrew Bolt, he’s on the money about the whole GetUp, ABC and Al Jazeera stunt here:
However, an interesting thesis that has arisen is that this whole thing was a Labor/GetUp stunt to intimidate the LNP, to force them out of a preference deal with One Nation and instead preference Labor – thus nullifying any threat to the two-party dictatorship. Not a stretch at all, given Scott Morrison’s actions today.
One Nation has no courage and have turned out to be just another weak alternative to the two major parties.
SFFP, LDP, Katter and Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party are the only ones with policies worth looking at in this space.
Vote accordingly.
I would not vote for Fraser Anning if he was the last politician on earth who could stop my guns being confiscated by the Government – sometimes the means to an end is not worth selling your soul for.
Just a reminder; So-called “preference deals” are just semi-formal agreements between parties and candidates which go something like “I’ll put you at number two on my how-to-vote cards, if you put me at number two, on yours.” YOU distribute your preferences.