Recent news has broken that the Canadian government will shortly ban approximately 1500 different models of firearms. This is somewhat expected given the Trudeau Government’s gun control ideology, with the recent killings in Nova Scotia serving as a convenient excuse to implement the bans.
The bans cover a vast range of firearms, with no real rhyme or reason, but seems to include all modern semi-auto centerfire sporting rifles, anything that generates over 10,000 joules of energy, and a random assortment of pistols. The ban on high energy firearms is a particularly poignant example of the utter disconnect between reality and this political agenda. Higher energy firearms are an occasional target of the ravenous anti-gun lunatics, yet the reality is they are essentially never used in crime of any sort. Instead being the near exclusive domain of large game hunters and long range target shooters.
Despite the obviously politically motivated slowdown of information being released by the Canadian government, a few things have become clear. Exactly what models or types of firearms were used has not yet been disclosed, however it has been confirmed that at least some of the firearms that were utilised had been illegally imported, and at least one of the firearms used in the attack was actually stolen from police by the perpetrator. Keep in mind the normal response pattern from governments in these events is to release the details that suit them as quickly as possible, whilst concealing facts that might push the narrative against them. If the attacker used lawfully held firearms then you could be certain they would parade this information with child-like glee.
Furthermore, the murderer in this atrocity did not have a firearm license – and as such he was in blatantly unlawful possession of firearms. Finally, of the 22 fatalities, 9 of those have now been confirmed to have been burned to death in their homes.
It is painfully clear that the utterly inadequate response from the RCMP and the thriving illegal firearms market in Canada are not going to be addressed, or likely even considered as needing to be addressed. Instead, straight from the 1996 Australian government’s playbook, murders with illegal firearms will serve as justification for more pointless laws and restrictions that murderers will continue to entirely disregard as they commit their heinous crimes.
This is nothing more than another pathetic example of blind virtue signalling with gun control from Trudeau’s Liberal Government. Attacking legal firearm owners in response to crimes committed with illegally imported, unlawfully held and stolen police firearms is nothing more than a sad example of the cynical depths to which the gun grabbers will gladly venture.
To add insult to injury, just as we saw in New Zealand, these sweeping changes are being introduced not by parliament, but instead through the use of orders-in-council. Bypassing the democratic process and signifying the utter disdain to which the current political elite view law abiding firearm owners.
Until potential members of parliament/political parties and gun owners realise that only a very small number of people can afford to give their vote based purely on gun issues we will never get a say in how firearm ownership is administered. Using the NSW branch of the SSFP as an example. In the past just on the gun issues it only had 2 sitting members with very little influence but at the last election they targeted areas of concerns for the average person, water, jobs, health, education and poor treatment of people outside of Sydney by both the LNP and ALP and ended up with 5 members of parliament. These 5 have forced the NSW government to put money into regional areas and stop blindly following in the lefty/greens ideology. Gun owners also need to stop blindly voting the quickest and easiest way to vote but instead take their time to fill out the election papers fully themselves.