Following on from drink driver Sam Maiden’s claims in the Daily Telegraph, she has returned this week along with Fairfax and the Guardian in a Alannah and Madeline Foundation co-ordinated, pre-Sydney Siege anniversary emotive media blitz to claim that the Nationals will cave in on their previous agreement and agree to move the 7 shot Adler into Category D. The 5 shot will be moved into Category B or C – this remains unclear.
It also affirms that Robert Borsak’s prediction about Police Minister Troy Grant’s motives prior to the Orange election were correct. And we all know how that turned out for the Nationals.
Yes, because pest controllers who can already gain access to semi auto self-loading rifles with a 30 round magazine are totally going to have use for a 140 year old, 7 shot lever action shotgun. And the fact that two extra shots means it goes up three whole categories just shows you how absurd the situation has become.
So, if levers are placed in Category D then why aren’t pump action shotguns then in Category A?
Daily reminder that’s not what the AFP has previously said at all about the Adler:
In almost comical fashion, the Sydney Morning Herald then ran a piece about the infamous M72LAW’s that were stolen from the Australian Army. Yeh, what better way to re-enforce your narrative than to draw attention to an incident where highly restricted ordnance was stolen from a secure ADF facility and that the best efforts of the AFP, NSWPOL and ASIO have failed to recover them nearly ten years later.
So to sum up, here’s the argument of Gun Control Australia, Labor, Liberal and the Greens:
“We need to reclassify the Adler into a higher category so terrorists cannot get their hands on them, because our justification is an incident where a man on bail for attempted murder was able to acquire an illegal firearm from the black market, illegally modify it and hold the city to a standstill.”
Yes, it’s that stupid or agenda driven (the “muh terrorism” card) depending on which side of the spectrum you are sitting on. Or a little from column a and column b. But hey, don’t listen to us listen to long time anti-gun advocate Paul Wilson. Oh wait, he’s just been convicted of paedophilia.
Further to this, it seems the Nationals essentially have just committed suicide. If the Greyhounds, Council Amalgamations, Coal Seam Gas and selling off farm land to China weren’t enough then this is the coup de gras. If Katter, LDP, SFFP and One Nation are shrewd enough then they will win big from this at the upcoming WA and QLD state elections. Remember what 1996 did to the Nationals in the 1998 Federal election?
The Nationals are finished as a party. You heard it here first.
As for Mike Baird, well I doubt he cares too much as he’ll more than likely slide into a cushy real estate “consulting” job at the conclusion of his term after the attempted land grabs with the lockouts and Greyhounds.
Incidentally, we have made inquiries with the New South Wales Police Media Unit and the Broken Hill Police Station regarding the “stolen Adler” claim by Maiden. Neither could confirm that an Adler was stolen and we are still awaiting official confirmation in writing.
Well, COAG doesn’t meet until Friday and it’s far from over. We’ve written extensively about why this Adler fiasco is nothing more than piece by piece gun control. Much like what is still being proposed down in Tasmania and the alarm system debacle for Category H.
The issue is this: where are you going to draw a line in the sand? And for those fools out there that think that they will stop here, or that it won’t affect them “because hurr I only have the 5 shot” and that there isn’t more coming in the NFA then you are just whistling past the graveyard. Many firearm owners are vocal on social media but when it comes to facing down bureaucrats they suddenly lose their voice.
Adlergate is also not about “politicians appearing to be doing something” – in my opinion that’s a comforting lie some firearm owners tell themselves and needs to fall by the way side permanently. Call a spade a spade – they know exactly what they are doing, or at least the control freaks telling COAG what they want, do.
Ozzie Reviews summed it up incredibly eloquently. Watch that, and then get writing and calling.
1996. Never. Again.
I have previously written to the QLD minister for Police and also our local MP. Do I need to write again now?