With Tasmania in the spotlight over it’s new firearm law amendments, Senator David Leyonhjelm has put something equally as important on the table:
In other words, the same federal government that intervened and told Tony Rundle not to have an Inquiry or Royal Commission into the most politicised event of the Australian 20th century, has said it’s a matter for the state. Buck passing at its finest.
Putting money on the Tasmanian Government handballing this one back to Christian Porter and subsequently getting into a stonewalling contest for the next 20 years is looking like a good return.
Leyonhjelm is spot on: of course alternative theories will exist with the very fact that so much time, energy and money has effectively gone into the suppression of evidence and avoidance of a proper inquiry or Royal Commission.
An inquiry was indeed started but was halted by Coroner Ian Matterson in January 1997 in his now infamous letter when he stated “I must not make a finding that is inconsistent with the Supreme Court.”
We can have a Royal Commission into decades-old sexual abuse by the catholic church, a pink batts scheme that killed two people, gross misconduct by Australia’s financial institutions but we can’t have one into the biggest spree killing in Australian modern history, if not only for the lack of Police response?
We can also re-open the Whiskey Au-Go-Go Inquiry after 44 years and the Lindt Café Inquiry can begin six days after the event, but again no Port Arthur Inquiry because something something victims’ feelings?
The same victims’ feelings that are disregarded by John Howard, Tim Fischer and the rest every time there is some kind of firearm incident anywhere in the world, and “Muh Port Arthur” is the first line a slew of hack journalists fall over each other to print in the first line of their corresponding propaganda.
The fact that no-one can get access to talk to Martin Bryant is also highly strange, considering that some of the most prolific serial killers of all-time have had media profiles equivalent with some Hollywood celebrities. It’s ok for the media to glorify mass shooters for gun control purposes but we can’t get their side of the story?
Furthermore, yelling “tinfoil hat” or similar is not an argument and is purely just a silencing tactic – the same as yelling “bigot” when one wants to have debate on just about anything else.
Sure, there are some crazy theories out there, but there are plenty of valid questions to be asked about the events of Port Arthur and they are not to be dismissed without debate and examination of the evidence.
If an independent inquiry purely confirms what we already know, then fine. However, given the aforementioned concerted efforts to keep an inquiry from happening it’s highly likely that there is something about the official story that is terribly wrong and/or incriminating to certain people.
Open the books, it’s time.
The victims’ families deserve it. The Australian public deserves it. Over a million firearm owners deserve it.
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear right John?
spot on “nothing to hide nothing to fear” time nasty little johnny was uncovered
John Howard should be put in jail for what he’s done to Australians and the severe persecution that Martin is facing! Apparently John is a “Christian” too (he’s of the Anglican variety.) It makes me want to puke.
You will often hear on the street (even lefties) “Ooooh… the best thing John Howard did was get rid of the guns.” And we’re all like “Oh thanks mate, now everyone just stabs with knives instead!” (Democracies are horrible the ancient Greeks didn’t intend democracies for common people to vote. Hopefully people will start using the Internet for learning important things about their lives and freedoms rather than dumb show off prank videos on Youtube, or the horrible music videos.)
The same applies to this global warming nonsense . Why are world government’s resisting an open enquiry to investigate the truth on this as to wether its a scam or fact . Personally i prefer to believe Milinkovitch cycles that climate change is caused by the earths elliptical cycle round the sun and the earths moving axis .
One good reason why there should not be a royal commission is there is absolutely nothing substantial to enquire into and it would be a complete waste of taxpayer’s hard earned dollars.A conspiracy of that magnitude would, of necessity, involve a number of people all of whom would have to remain silent for their entire lives. That is so improbable as to consign the conspiracy theory to the scrap heap immediately. Normal human experience should tell us that conspiracies of 2 or 3 persons may work but a conspiracy of a greater number has an exponentially increasing chance of failure with each additional person added to it.4 You would need to have a number of politicians at a federal level hatching the plan, senior politicians in Tasmania and a significant number of ordinary hard working police officers. Pigs might fly.
The very fact that the AR15 was surrendered to Victoria Police in an amnesty in Bendigo in 1991 and was identified as the murder weapon by the farmer who surrendered it is worth investigating. Some of us remember Inspector John Maxwell sweeping that under the rug in the press conference. John Avery becoming Bryant’s defence lawyer after being on the prosecution team, audio of Bryant on the phone at Seascape while shots are audibly present from the first floor of the building (when the phone was downstairs), numerous witnesses such as Jim Laycock, who knew Bryant from age 11 and witnessed the tollbooth murders from 10 metres away and said it was not Bryant, etc.
There are an absolute plethora of historical examples where large groups of people conspire for their own advantage and get away with it. Most organised crime groups are an example of this. US involvement in numerous countries around the world, etc. Conspiracies are easy to achieve when compartmentalization is involved and there is decent forward planning.
Your argument relies also relies on the whole premise of institutional honesty where the media and Police would act honorably in this regard, not so when there are greater powers above. It also relies on the perception that bad people always get caught. Well they don’t. Simple fact of life.
Waste of money? Plenty of tax payer money is wasted on a whole heap of things everyday and that of itself is not an argument for denying what should have been investigated. Sounds like hiring Porter Davies to represent you is more of a waste of money with terrible arguments such as yours.
Exactly..good points..no evidence taken from crime scene??? Items of shooter on table even in pics…so much wrong with this bungled massacre but swept easily thus far under the table…A Royal commission I think would free the poor simple bugger…
Don’t you see how everything goes in a cycle. Mass immigration costs a lot of money too. They are always building more schools, roads and houses. There is always this “lack of infrastructure” crisis and idiot journalists have this sexy “wow thing” about what the government’s doing. They bulldoze businesses just to widen roads… and what for? More big crowds in the big cities (as well as crime and everything else), then the cycle starts again. And then how many migrants actually take jobs, etc etc. You’d think most people would be alarmed, but think again…. There goes our money… so much of it!
You are a spanner…….Everyone is equal in the eyes of the Law…Nothing to hide Nothing to Fear……And devoid of logical thinking…Taxpayers funds you idiot are funds held for refunds…Public funds are what you are talking about….insinuating taxpayer funds are our loss…go back to your hermit life…you contribute nothing positive to this world…and cast doubt over the Truth…it definitely was an orchestrated event …Martin Bryant was the dummy with no brains and several million $$$$$$$s….
Well you might fly.Anyone that believes an autistic ward of the state could accomplish that is I’ll.especially after Roland Brown warned everyone.Why was a crime scene burnt down after 3 days? Why was NO witness who knew Bryant asked for official statement?AND who pleads not guilty and gets locked up for 8 months? And why are court documents sealed for 70 years?
Woh! David is talking for me in parliament! Firearm owners should start a petition! This is one of the most significant events in Australia’s history! It’s like we were lied to FOR DECADES of how many places the Japanese bombed in WW2 — far more than just Darwin! (A huge insult to Australians!)
I honestly believe Martin Bryant was innocent and that ASIO/CIA was involved. Apparently there were 2 shooters that day — they were right handed, while Martin is left handed. Martin had a mind like a child, but yet somehow he killed all those people!? He was the perfect patsy for this staged event because he was a loner, etc. They didn’t want Australians to have American type gun freedoms, and evil John Howard got his way (while George Soros was in the background.)
There are plenty of websites (and Youtube videos) that talk about this, but here is one that springs to mind:
Of course he confessed to the massacre, but so what! Some people can end up in jail for decades and then found to be innocent too. It’s not how the law works.
We all know too well the police and governments around the world hate an armed population. Americans often say the second amendment is about preventing tyrannical governments…. You see how communist Australia has become –GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR ARMED OFFICERS ARE ADDICTED TO POWER LIKE COCAINE!
Even if good ol’ David gets his way, the powers that be will be like “Well, it’s good to be safe anyway. I mean, look at what’s going on in America.” It’s like what they said about work for dole which as been proven to be ineffective and a huge waste of tax payers money. They think getting 1 person into work or saving 1 person from being shot, that it’s “good enough” or “better than nothing.” The politicians and the media all sing from the same hymn book. They hate ordinary people. If someone dies, they got their mass immigration policy. “There’s always more people…”
If Martin Bryant is guilty as the lone gunman the Government, Police and Media says he was, then on who orders were two ASIO Agents placed, 1 in the Police Media Section, 1 in the Premiers Media Section, is this common to place ASIO Agents in Media section for total containment of what is being feed to the media? Also what about the two ASIO Agents killed in the Cafe` what was ASIO doing in the Cafe`? I notice the Mainstream Media, Federal Government, Tasmania Government, Tasmania Police and Mainstream Media completely cover up ASIo involvement in Port Arthur Massacre
This is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our history. This poor simpleton has been locked up for over 20 years for something he didn’t do and we foolishly gave up our guns.
Port Arthur was a Mossad operation, we were had.
If you thought the known details related to the massacre at Port Arthur in April 1996 could not get any worse, read this extract from MASS MURDER (3rd Edition; Senate of Australia Approved; 2019 – forthcoming):
“What follows are verbatim words from an unofficial transcript. It seems that a public transcript was NOT made available by the ASA:
“I…registered it into our system it became known as transfer to nine zero zero….; …Tasmanian Police records of the Port Arthur massacre will be open to the public in 2071….; …they are an e75 access restriction which means they’re closed for 75 years and the e means that only one person or position can grant access in this case only the Commissioner of Police.”
Stated by:
Nicki Ottavi; archivist; Nicki.Ottavi@education.tas.gov.au; Tasmanian police records of the Port Arthur massacre; National Conference – Australian Society of Archivists; 25-28 SEP 2018; Perth, Western Australia.
The extract is from a youtube transcript. I emailed Ms. Ottavi several times and asked her for a transript of her presentation to the ASA at Perth in September 2018. She never replied – of course.
So if everything about the case was squeaky clean and there was so much evidence against Martin Bryant, why then have the police files been sealed for 75 years – until 2071? And we the public, were never told about this by Tasmanian officials, or the Tasmanian Police, or Tasmanian media, etc. It was accidentally discovered, just as Stephen Parry was accidentally discovered to have inside knowledge about the officially planned massacre. Parry has stated in writing: “Nelson Brothers [Funeral Services, Melbourne VIC] had organised for an embalming machine box and a special large equipment case to be manufactured ready for the incident. These two containers were the envy of all em-balmers and worked extremely well.” .
The 3rd edition, which highlights all of the above, is forthcoming – paperback and FREE pdfs.
FREE! innocent Martin Bryant.
t. 43-1-9712401