As he awaits the results of the NSW election count, which is currently looking favourable, David Leyonhjelm weighed in on the smear against Pauline Hanson for her comments on the Port Arthur Massacre: Spot on. Not the first time David has attempted to get some answers:
Jackboot Jacinda following the exact same playbook as Jackboot Johnny
Talk about Ctrl C + Ctrl V: Speaking after a Cabinet meeting on the country’s gun laws and security after the mosque attacks that killed 50 people last week, Ms Ardern said an “in principle” agreement about the decisions on gun reform had been made. When asked about
Port Arthur 2.0: Ardern planning Howard-style gun grab within hours of Christchurch shooting
Where have we seen this before? Not as the bodies were even cold from the horrific tragedy in Christchurch, Jacinda Ardern has stated her intentions of firearm bans. It seems that the next phase of the global civilian disarmament agenda is in play right now: “New
MUH GUN LAWS: Desperate Nationals go full Helen Lovejoy in NSW election
You know you’re about to get destroyed at a state election when you’re wheeling out fossils and policies from the 90’s: Laughably pathetic from the Nationals but that train is never late. We saw this exact same stunt previously in the Cootamundra and Murray by-elections. This
Wanker: John Howard brags about subverting Australian constitution over firearms
Get the bucket. John Howard is back again for another round of historical revisionism: “PRIME Minister John Howard was prepared for a “nuclear option” to ensure his historic gun reforms went through, as he faced strong push-back from Queensland, it can be revealed today. The Howard Government endured a baptism
John Howard avoids talk of Port Arthur Royal Commission again
Relevance deprivation syndrome strikes again: “He also spoke about the Port Arthur massacre, where 35 people were killed and 23 wounded by gunman Martin Bryant just eight weeks after he was elected. Mr Howard revealed he believed the government’s gun control reforms in response to the
Based Leyonhjelm is correct: It’s time for a Port Arthur Royal Commission
With Tasmania in the spotlight over it’s new firearm law amendments, Senator David Leyonhjelm has put something equally as important on the table: In other words, the same federal government that intervened and told Tony Rundle not to have an Inquiry or Royal Commission into the
Relevance Deprivation Syndrome: More anti-firearm drivel from Tony Rundle
The conga line of ultracrepidarians spouting unqualified opinions over Will Hodgman’s proposals grew longer this week. This time with another Howard-era fossil, Tony Rundle, on the ABC: “Tasmania’s former Liberal premier, Tony Rundle, who was in government when the Port Arthur massacre occurred, is urging the