At a Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal hearing this week, we listened with interest as Police solicitors tabled a copy of the new National Firearms Agreement. They were trying to take pistols off a man who has safely used pistols to destroy feral pests for a
No, uniform and rank does not equal firearm expertise
Another day, another social media outrage. This time, firearm related. A Victorian Policeman was filmed shooting a presumably injured kangaroo on an inner suburban street in Mernda, Victoria a couple of days ago. As usual, Facebook court was in full session with triggered hardcore vegans, bored
Revolver-ing Door: Questions For The New QLD Police Minister
With recent news that Bill Byrne MP has been moved on as Queensland Police Minister, we took some time out to ask some questions of the new Minister Mark Ryan. Dear Minister Ryan, Congratulations on your appointment as Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services. The
Freedom of Disinformation: QPS WLB strike again
A few days ago, we described how the Queensland Police Service Weapons Licensing Branch appears to frown on the occupational use of pistols by primary producers while the Queensland Police regularly euthanise animals with Glocks. It isn’t just the Police that frown. The Police Minister has described farmers
Category H, Farmers and the Humane Euthanization of Animals
Working livestock on a large property can be a hard way to make a living. Thick scrub, rough terrain, long distances and wandering animals (wanted and unwanted) are a reality of life. Often enough, farmers, pest controllers and animal handlers need a compact, light, reliable repeating