Bravo, Salvini:
“The Italian Senate passed the new legitimate defence bill this week, liberalising the previous self-defence code and allowing citizens more options to protect their homes from burglars and other intruders.
The reform, which modifies article 52 of the Italian penal code, now allows Italians to use “a legitimately held weapon” to protect themselves and members of their household, making it far less likely individuals will be brought up on charges for defending themselves, Il Giornale reports.
The new changes were welcomed by populist Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, who has previously pushed hard for self-defence reform.
“It is a beautiful day for the Italians in which the sacrosanct right to self-defence is sanctioned,” Salvini said.
Previously, the Lega leader had even offered to pay the legal expenses of those brought up on criminal charges for using force to protect their homes.
“A thief comes into your house, company or store, and you defend yourself? It will be your right to do so, and the thug (and his relatives) will not be able to ask for a euro of compensation,” Salvini vowed.
“Besides, you won’t end up on trial for years and you won’t pay your own pocket: the state will cover any legal expenses of those who defended themselves.”
Italy has gone to hell in a hand basket in the last decade but at least this is
a step in the right direction. A leader that actually cares about it’s citizens
right to defend themselves is a rarity indeed, especially in the crumbling
Meanwhile, in Australia:
Home invaded and stabbed for his car keys.
Yet another example of a daily occurrence where a firearm could have protected a home owner from criminal filth and evened the playing field.
Or you could just be held against your will:
Gold, gold, gold for Australia.
Australia really needs to review it’s Citizens concerns about home defense. More and more people are having their homes invaded, and there lives threatened.
Pity our politicians in Australia don’t have the balls to pass a law like this so we can protect our selfs and family
Keep us afraid and unarmed just waiting for Sharia law for that knock on the door Are Muslim or are you worm bait Australia your choice this election !
We have a right to defend family and friends from those who wish to destroy our way of life politicians have around the clock protection their safe so is their family civilian people shut the fuk up n do as we say u fukn peasants that it wat they think of y’all the sooner Aussies understand n protest the sooner the mutts that try torun this country understand we won’t have them deciding what is good for y’all no matter what your opinion is
get rid of all regular guns and let them only have muzzle loaders as constitution as written. if you can:t kill your enemy with one shot, your not trained and should not be allowed to have a gun.
I assume you mean the US constitution, if so, absolutely not, it nowhere specifies muzzle loaders only and the writers of the US consitution were well aware of faster firing weapons than the muzzle loaders in general use at the time, they got a quote from the maker of the girandoni air rifle to equip their military (too expensive), but had a rate of fire of around 5 – 6 rounds per minute, then there was the Puckle gun (similar in many ways to a gatling gun) and Pepperbox pistols that solved the rate of fire issue by just having multiple barrels.
You also should read the letters sent between the writers of the US constitution while they were writing it (the federalist papers), they are very clear that the citizen should be as well armed as their Govt.
Now lets address just how stupid your “let them have muzzle loaders” comment is for home defence, one shot is potentially effective against one home invader, unfortunately they tend to come in gangs.
Eat a dick
Nothing wrong with muzzleloader. Many wars were fought with them . And can be more accurate than the new stuff in the right hands.
Nothing wrong with a horse and buggy either but technology has provided a better tool for transport. So just like I would like a car for driving places I think a modern firearm is an appropriate tool for self defense.
We should have the right already .Our home is our Castle .