Still trying to push the “muh stockpiles” narrative on Day 27 of the “Exploit Las Vegas” agenda, professional activist and CEO of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation Lesley Podesta took to the Daily Telegraph:
“Yet there is no statutory limitation on how many guns an individual can have — meaning 15 people across the metropolitan region have a cache of more than 100 guns to their name, acquired with a permit costing just $30.
Lesley Podesta, chief executive of anti-gun violence group the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, expressed alarm over the legal stockpiles.
“It defies credibility — it’s really hard to understand,” Ms Podesta said. “Why should anyone be able to acquire 200 guns? It seems out of proportion to people’s ability to be able to use them legitimately for a hobby or on the land.”
Ms Podesta said the concentration of firearms at one location significantly increased the risk of criminal activity. “We know that criminals like access to guns, and that number of guns in suburban homes is a good thing for community safety,” she said.
Opposition police spokesman Guy Zangari said the stockpiling of weapons posed a risk.
“These people have them registered — they aren’t breaking the law. But it does raise a concern and we must make sure that all steps are taken that these particular guns are locked away safely so they aren’t in the wrong hands,” he said. “What price do you put on the safety of the community?
A report by Gun Control Australia released earlier this month showed that NSW and every other state in Australia has failed to properly implement the National Firearms Agreement.
Contrary to the NRA’s agreements, NSW legislation permits use of silencers, allows shooters to use semiautomatic weapons and provides no limitation on the amount of ammunition which can be purchased.”
Lesley Podesta talking about credibility? From the same person who slandered all gun owners and called them “victims of globalisation in some cases, their lives have been affected by job losses.” Got it.
The concentration of firearms at one location significantly increases the risk of criminal activity? Not at all, as proven by the 2015 Senate Inquiry, but maybe you exacerbate that incredibly low risk by irresponsibly and non-consenually setting up a website and displaying the private locations of where people might find them? Further, central storage facilities have been broken into in the past year including ADF facilities, rendering her entire point moot. Funny how Podesta had nothing to say about NSW Police seizing an illegally imported firearm the other week.
That last paragraph is also a flat out lie and AMF and NSW Labor have again left out the fact that the National Firearms Agreement is a legally non-binding ‘agreement’ and that states are under no obligation to follow it.
This is also just another chapter in the battle between Podesta, David Shoebridge and Sam Lee as to who can say the most ridiculous things about firearm ownership in this country.
Robert Borsak provided a rebuttal at the end of the article and was the only part worth reading.
If one positive comes out of this paid for article it’s that the Alannah and Madeline Foundation appear to be admitting they are primarily a gun control organisation and not much of a children’s charity. Not surprised.
It also appears that the ‘muh stockpiles’ narrative is their current thing, as it also now popping up in the ACT with the Greens’ Shane Rattenbury trying to be Canberra’s David Shoebridge. I’m sure the recent spate of shootings between rival bikie clubs will stop now Rattenbury is on the case.
Perhaps an audit of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation’s stockpile of funds would produce some interesting results?
She does know that paintball guns are firearms doesn’t she.
She does know someone running a paintball business is neither a dealer a collector or an armourer.
Rather than just asking why someone would have so many, why not ry and find out!
the Alanah and Madeline Foundation is bogus….the Mikac kids were not killed at the Prt Arthur massacre….
that’s easily provable!
see here
Outrageous, ridiculous and absurd! Hate these people and the organization with every fiber of my being! They never get shocked by the road toll each year, and the mount of people that suffer from depression and suicide, mental illness, homelessness (but yet heaps of apartment blocks crowding our cities.) They have no love of humanity and only care about gun control for the sake of control. I am sick of the far left Neo Communists!
Maybe she should be concerned over the light sentences child molesters get instead of what LEGAL firearm owners do
This woman is living in LaLaland as Victoria has very strict laws as to how many guns you can have and how they must be securely locked away. To get a dealers or collectors liscence you have to jump through some pretty serious hoops to meet your legal obligations and not very many people qualify for this level of ownership. Can someone please contact this woman and invite her to a decent range to show her how responsible Australian gun owners are and introduce her to some correct information instead of some of the misinformed crap that she has been exposed to up to this point in time? We were all absolutely horrified by Port Arthur but one maniac was responsible not the whole country. When there is a massive road accident, not all Australian drivers are guilty of causing the catastrophe and they don’t get the blame, so why should all of Australia’s lawful and decent citizens who own guns take the rap for despicable person? It makes me sick and the fact that no matter where in the world these catastrophes occur, the poor bloody Aussie owner gets dragged over the coals again, and for what, something he/sheep had no part in, or control over. Wake up lady there are a lot of great people in Australia who just happen to be gun owners and who do the right thing.
You can see these groups modus operandi, but their agenda and whose paying for it is the big worry They pick a buzz word, just like politicians, a few months ago it was the adler 110 shotgun, and the buzz word, Rapid Fire, and they hammer and hammer these words through the media until it becomes standed mindset in the sheeple. They achieved what they wanted and have now moved on to the next buzz word, Gun Stockpiles,and they now hammer these words until it it becomes part of the sheeple mindset, all the time remembering they could care about peoples safety , if they did they would focus on DV knife murders, home invasions, drugs, but no and so that then raises what is their agenda. And as for the media, when they are bought and paid for, it ceases to be news and becomes propaganda.
once again…you people cave in to the official, BS narrative,,….
there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of AUssies who do NOT believe that Bryant committed the Port Arthur massacre…..and who believe that it was either a false flag or an out-right hoax…either way, a government psy-op…..
again: why the HELL are you giving oxygen to these gun-grabbing control freaks, eh?
what exactly is yr problem?
the evidence, collated over the last two decades, that Bryant did not and could not have committed the PAM is, almost, overwhelming … have you people got some sort of reading and comprehension problem?
you know as well as any-one that ALL current AUstralian gun laws are based on the Port Arthur massacre ‘narrative’ and, if that collapses, then they could no longer be justified and the NFA would have to be scrapped….
stop posting main-stream media LIEs !