Original post – https://goo.gl/7G3ZhB
As the climax of the blood dancing ritual known as the Port Arthur 20th anniversary draws near and the usual vultures circle, the Australian presstitutes (I won’t call them by their proper title, NONE deserve it) will be going all out to ensure their political and neurolinguistic goals and clickbait revenue targets are met. LAFO’s have been under attack since 1996. We’ve really been under attack the last few weeks.
We knew this was coming as early as last year. This was also called a long time ago by the good folks atThe Truth About Guns. I mean, it’s not as if Gun Control Australia and The Australian Greens could resist even though the Port Arthur Management Authority explicitly stated in 2006 that there would not be another commemoration after the 10th anniversary. I’m sure some federal and state ‘donations’ changed their minds. Who commemorates a mass shooting anyway when there’s no money in it?
All the usual formulaic cards by the presstitutes have been played. Victim parades, false claims about everything pre and post 1996, false sense of Australian ‘moral superiority’, selective representations about the events of Port Arthur and capped off with the usual unsubstantiated John Howard reverence.
It began with Channel 7 Sunday Night‘s “Bryant Interview” (or it’s other working title: “John Avery’s Guilt Appeasement Payday”) which raised far more questions about Port Arthur than it answered. It continued with SBS INSIGHT‘s victim parade ambush. It then moved onto Neil Mitchell and theHerald Sun’s co-ordinated attack on the Adler via Walter Mikac. Sunday Night had a second bite for good measure although one of their survivors “de-narratived” and wished someone with a gun had stopped the massacre (good guy with a gun, the horror!). Cricket Australia and Richmond FC also decided to engage in PR disasters they are still paying for. It progressed to Ray Martin cashing in on A Current Affair and then reached a crescendo with every presstitute brothel in the country trying to attack Senator Ricky Muir, after he destroyed their blatant mistruths on said Adler shotgun.
And then there are the sociopathic ramblings ofDavid Shoebridge, but that guy is as insecure as they come and not worth more than a sentence. Yes, I’m feeling generous.
The worst of them was clearly SBS INSIGHT; essentially a carefully scripted, edited and stacked exercise in controlling a narrative and saving John Howard’s egocentricity from being annihilated. And although (correctly) debates began in earnest about the performance of pro-firearm representatives, the already overwhelming odds they were up against deserve commendation.
Corruption among the Australian presstitutes is as old as the country itself. What has been more apparent through this latest round of P.A. grave salsa though is the scale of it. No other issue in Australia unites traditional public and corporate foesFairfax Media, News Corp Australia, SBS News,Guardian Australia and the rest, against the truth than Australian firearm laws. Save for the usual one or two token ‘appeasement’ articles that are still skewed towards anti-firearm, it’s a grain of sand on the beach against the pungent anti-firearm tide.
What has been most abhorrent about the presstitutes’ conduct the last few weeks is the exploitation of victims. Leading the charge with Carolyn Loughton’s unchecked rants, Michelle Fernando being allowed to claim that her sister stealing a firearm and being mentally ill is somehow our fault and of course, Walter Mikac.
Now it’s obvious to all and sundry why Mikac and Loughton are the pin-ups for the anti-firearm crowd to exploit – out of all the families’ at Port Arthur to have tragically lost someone, they are the only two that lost children. As we know, nothing gets the anti-firearm emotive neuroreceptors firing than the death of children.
Without question, Mikac’s family being killed was a tragedy few of us could fathom and hopefully never have to experience. Yes, we respect his loss. But a million of us didn’t do it and aren’t cool with the collectivist “guilt by association” punishment model that ensued. I’m sure Mr Mikac has felt a great deal of guilt over the last 19 years – a very normal psychological response to that kind of predicament. Would he have been able to save his family or would things have been different if he had been there? Who knows?
However, it by no means gives him a carte blanche licence to offload that guilt onto innocent third parties by association. None whatsoever. Especially if you go on Neil Mitchell‘s ‘opinion overrules facts show’ and admit you know nothing about firearms, yet essentially claim being a victim makes you an expert or a more valid opinion. If that were true, surviving a plane crash to try to fast track my pilot’s licence seems worth the risk.
When you then go and have a look at who is on the board of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, ie Neil Mitchell, it makes his stunt with Mikac look like what it really was – a paid for gun control informercial and a complete disgrace. And let’s not get started about who is on the rest of the AMF board.
Further, as Ron Owen from Owen Guns correctly pointed out, the number of Australians dying every single year from prescription and illicit drug use and abuse including anti-depressants, makes pharmacist Mikac’s anti-firearm crusade completely invalid at best.
In my opinion, it’s one thing to genuinely grieve over the loss of loved ones. It’s another to essentially turn it into a business model, attract large influential corporate and media backers and use it as medium to oppress a subsection of the populace that had nothing to do with your tragedy for 20 years. How many of the other Port Arthur victims have done something similar? None of them, as they want to be left alone. A sentiment Graham Collyer, who survived being shot in the neck in the Broad Arrow Cafe and gave a witness statement the presstitutes refuse to touch, attested to last week with his objection to a picture of him on a stretcher being used ad nauseum.
The reactions of some of the presstitutes when confronted with intelligent opposition have been priceless. From The Western Star Chris Calcino’s tantrum, to our personal ‘favourite’ the Guardian Australia’s Lenore Taylor: “Well actually I’ve won two Walkley’s” (yes, she actually said that in response to our email). That’s great Lenore. You know when someone continually refers to the Adler as “high powered and rapid fire” and cites proven pathological liar Samantha Lee as their “gun control expert” the shine kinda comes off those Walkley’s. But hey, I’m sure the champagne socialist crowd at the Guardian are impressed with your need for validation, er, Walkley’s, so why not?
The award winner though has to be a three way tie between Neil Mitchell, The Project wannabe authoritarian muppet Carrie Bickmore and Sunrisepseudo presenter Angela Cox, who are now all playing the “inappropriate to bring this up/how dare you talk guns at this time” guilt card.
Simply put: It’s ok for anti-firearm groups to use Port Arthur for the last twenty years, let alone the last month, to campaign for more firearm laws, but it’s not ok for pro-firearm groups to defend themselves or advocate for more sensible laws because hurr durr massacre with illegally obtained firearms 20 years ago. Nah, no double standards here SBS News.
Yes, the same media that thinks it is a law unto themselves when it comes to child abduction in a foreign country, or continually disregarding copyright law and unable to comply with their own industry’s laws when using Ozzie Reviews footage without permission, has the audacity to lecture firearm owners on the timing and appropriateness of discussing firearms laws.
So will the presstitutes ever ask why COAG had originally scheduled the review of the NFA for the 28th April and why that wasn’t considered inappropriate? Of course not. Because as you know, when they chose the date for the meeting over a year ago, out of all 365 days the other 364 were “unavailable.”
What has been interesting about all this cancer is the general public’s reaction. Aside from the usual far left, emotionally reflexive types with no knowledge spitting out the same tired old disproven lines, the public writ large are sick of it and can see it for what it is – a deliberately timed, co-ordinated, emotionally exploitative, brute force propaganda campaign with a political objective. And it’s not working the way they want.
The reason the media and those who direct them have to lie so much on this issue is clear for anyone with an objective mind and a moral compass – the facts don’t back them up, they know nothing about the subject and they quite simply lack the courage of a fair assessment. The fact they have now turned off comment sections on many articles, refuse to run published anti-gun stories on their social media platforms (or run them off peak) or mostly won’t consult pro firearm organisations, validates this very point.
The way Senator Ricky Muir was nationally attacked because he dismantled their 19 years of “work” in 5 minutes 28 seconds further shows you how insecure they really are. He hit very close to home, sorry, he hit home. It holds much more weight when a sitting Federal Member of Parliament hits home on this issue, particularly one (along with of course David Leyonhjelm – Liberal Democrats Senator NSW) that has proven to be one of the most representative and level headed in recent years. Which is why, in my opinion, that the Senate voting laws were introduced and the NFA review delayed – get rid of those not towing the line and hopefully have an anti-firearm upper house post election. That and the TPP. Explain that last one The Australian Greens.
If you have to lie to prove your point you’ve already failed to make it and the presstitutes haven’t made their point on this issue for 20 years.
Now, bets on how much airtime John Howard gets until Thursday? Or should we just dedicate a channel for the next few days?
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