It’s not like Gun Control Australia to stand on the graves of the dead calling for collectivist punishment:
“Australia’s gun laws need an urgent review because rapid-fire weapons like the one used by the alleged Christchurch shooter are legally available to hunters and sport shooters. Gun Control Australia says the existing firearm categorisation system is outdated and has led to high-powered guns flooding the recreational hunting and sport shooting market.
“These firearms pose a significant risk to community safety as they are capable of causing multiple fatalities within a short period of time,” the lobby group’s president Sam Lee said on Tuesday. “Most Australians don’t realise that our world-leading gun laws are being strategically dismantled as a result of decades of pressure from the well-funded and powerful gun lobby.”
While New Zealand’s gun laws are currently looser than Australia’s, Ms Lee says the lever-action weapon in the possession of the alleged Christchurch shooter is legally available here under the two lowest gun license categories.
Military-style bolt-action and lever action shotguns have crept into the market of weapons available to category A
and B licences, GCA says.
wants Prime Minister Scott Morrison to immediately ask national security
agencies to review what type of weapons are available under each licence
category. The Firearms Industry Reference Group – which GCA says is
“pro-guns” – should not be involved in the review, and any findings
should be made publicly available.”
Military-style bolt action – you heard it.
Snark aside, there it is: an attempt to ban bolt action firearms.
This should serve as a wake-up call for those Stockholm Syndrome type-fudds out there who think your Model 70’s and 700’s are safe. They aren’t and they want those too. She’s also coming back for a second bite at the lever actions.
The point here is they are trying to find an “in” and deploy the same salami tactics we have seen over and over again.
Don’t know how many times we have to say it but complete disarmament is the end goal and thinking it won’t happen to you is wishful thinking – it’s also partly victim behaviour.
More importantly, this should serve as yet another warning to our Kiwi brethren over the ditch. This is what awaits you should you cave in to the demands of the anti-gun crowd. They aren’t stopping with registration and taking your semi-autos, they’re going for everything and this is the first serious attempt in over 30 years. Airsoft, suppressors, calibre restrictions, magazines, etc are all under fire unless you stand together.
You exported Philip Alpers here because he failed miserably in New Zealand. Do you really want us to send him back to you?
Don’t become Australia.
Those evil “military-style” bolt action rifles, you always hear of those being used to hold up servos, banks or being used in home invasions and domestic murder-suicides, because they’re inconvenient size makes them impossible to conceal on your person, their cartridge capacity of 5 rounds or less makes them useless for sustained firefights, their cycling action delays follow-up shots and their long reload times are woeful.
Wait no you don’t, it’s always an illegal, unregistered pistol that’s used in a majority of firearm-related crime in Australia. Even the fucking Australian Institute of Criminology admits to this glaringly obvious fact:
But sure, ban the bolt-actions, so farmers and pest controllers can’t do their jobs, sport shooters can’t practice their craft for competitions and licensed hunters can’t making their living.
That would have definitely stopped the Osmington shooting, the Lindt Cafe Siege, the Monash University shooting and Port Arthur, along with all of the gang-related drive-by shootings and gangland slayings that have only become a regular phenomenon after the NFA was passed in 1996.
Could see this coming from a mile off. Hands Off.
What a bunch of morons, diarm this country to draconian chinise rule, over my dead body…get fucked, limp dick fuckwits who no nothing about history, want to diarm law abidfing gun owners because of some fake shit that happend in another country….fuck off, i didnt serve my country for 30 years to be told i no longer have the right to own a gun.
Never let a good tragedy go to waste to push an agenda.
Stupid woman doesn’t know what she’s talking about!! Scare-mongering tactics by it’s most ignorant – and entirely prejudicial by expressly stipulating that “pro-gun” agencies be excluded from any reviews!! This tragic event occurred in NEW ZEALAND not Australia – so why is she grandstanding on the graves of 50 New Zealand citizens about Australian gun laws?
First they came for the automatic and semi automatic. Now they’re coming for the rest. Will never stop the criminal black market used by the real criminals of course. Just takes away the rights from well behaved firearm users.
Two of the most morally destitute societies in world Starlanistic Russia And Hitler’s Germany, disarmed the public before setting off on their murderous regimes. I often feel the ” loony left ” in Aust have similar standards and live by the old dictatorial adage.” The end justifies the means. Grant
There’s more deaths from car accidents but i don’t see the government banning cars absolute morons
Like wise. Saw this one coming from a mile away. Gun control lobbyists are a bunch of uneducated morons. Look at the facts. The facts are that murder rates have increased and or stayed the same throughout the years since the last gun control laws were implemented . Guns don’t kill people, a gun is mearly a tool. Take away that, axes are available at bunnings for 10.99. Honestly Sam, for the sake of all law abiding citizens. Focus on something like free energy for all. Go down in history as a politician that helped the country. Then you will have my vote.