Well, 4 days into the new year and 2016 is looking like it was a warm up.
Just as a jewellery store robbery was taking place with an illegal firearm in Melbourne, the Australian Medical Association has weighed into the gun control debate, more than likely at the behest of Gun Control Australia and Alannah and Madeline Foundation, putting out a press release for the ages:
Note again, the heavy 3D printing angle.
Not only is what most of what they are suggesting already the law, it’s downright mind boggling how a profession of such “education” can get it so wrong. Or not. Remember, these are the same people that wanted motorcycles banned, have wanted MMA and all form of contact sport banned and a slew of other “muh public safety” type policies.
Sure, they’re entitled to their opinion. However, when there are estimates of 18,000 cases a year of deaths due to Medical Malpractice every single year in Australia, the argument is cheapened just a little. It’s even worse in the United States, you know that scary “gun mecca”.
Meanwhile, the leading causes of death in Australia:
The angle that “we treat gunshot victims so we get a say” is nothing more than emotive nonsense. Does the AMA also get a say in alcohol, domestic violence policy or motor vehicle and transportation policy based on the number of victims of that they treat? Knowing how to treat gunshot wounds does not make you an expert in the field of firearms or the multitude of issues associated with said topic.
As David Leyonhjelm had to point out to the presstitutes at both ABC News and Sky News, Canada and New Zealand both ditched their firearms registries when they realised it was an epic waste of public money for no proven benefit. Police can barely manage state registries as they are, what hope do they have of managing a national one?
There already is a de facto national registry – Crimtrac. You know, the one that lumps actual criminals in with firearm owners and that over 100 third party companies have access to details contained therein? What better way to “secure firearms from theft” like having an easily penetrated, centralised database with names, addresses and firearm types listed. They have been hacked before and are assisting in criminal theft. But hey, moar laws because “muh public safety.” Furthermore – name one crime that was solved or prevented by the firearm registry in any state?
That’s right folks, the same government that couldn’t run a Census, the NBN, and now a Centrelink data recovery program, is supposed to manage a firearms registry.
And for the finale – just as they were announcing a call for a registry, an ADF facility gets broken into with firearms stolen. We’ll be here all evening, folks.
Because as well know, a national registry stopped Jayant Patel from killing his patients. Just like it does supposedly stopping sexual assault of patients by Doctors and having to work under supervision. I’m sure an FOI at AHPRA would turn up some interesting results.
We also would like to seek the opinion of the AMA after it’s former president was viciously bashed by muggers in 2008. Perhaps if he was not unarmed thanks to Australia’s ridiculous self defence laws he would not have been a victim? (best part of the article is the emphasis on how “defenceless” he was).
So why is this being pushed?
Well, a number of reasons. It’s more of the same Adler-esque gun control on steroids and the usual GCA/AMF tag team schtick. The part of the AMA release about lever and pump action rifles is of most interest, as we know that they are next on the hit list for the authoritarian control freaks. I’m sure there is already some fake crisis being plotted to justify that. It’s also a distraction from the economy being in the toilet.
It also has Labor hand prints all over it. A brief look at the management team of the AMA:
Mr John Flannery, Director Public Affairs – former adviser to Kim Beazley
Mr Simon Tatz , Manager Public Health – former adviser to Julia Gillard and Richard Di Natale
Mrs Maria Hawthorne, Public Affairs Officer – former chief of staff of disgraced ACT Police Minister Joy Burch
As you can see, a who’s who of Labor/Greens authoritarians. Need we say more?
Furthermore, less than 3 days after we called out Matt Thistlethwaite MP’s bid for Malabar Rifle Range, his aspiring partner in crime Huang Xiangmo decided to put out a press release calling for a change to the political donations laws. In other words, Huang wants to anonymise his scumbaggery because he’s been caught one too many times. “Coincidence.”
The AMA are just the latest irrelevant organisation in the George Soros via Alannah and Madeline Foundation funded, Gun Control Australia co-ordinated disarmament of Australia. There is no need for them to get involved other than the aforementioned reasons of public disarmament. See: current European gun grab.
We have approached Australian Sailing, Shop and Distributive Employee Alliance, Gardens Club of Australia and several other just as irrelevant organisations for their firearms policies.
What the hell, we figured. Seems everyone else gets to make policy they have no interest in, expertise in or concern over in this country.
Stick to saving lives or should I say try saving more lives due to your members killing there patients due to malpractice and sweeping it under the carpet. You would think the AMA would be an educated bunch. Obviously not. Your own members think your are a bunch of clowns. Pathetic and sad. Very sad.
The same tripe as came from Cricket Australia (CA) late last year. What have they got to do with firearms law? Nothing. But yes, you guessed it-they were approached by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. (A&MF) It seems this entity will stop at nothing to try and get anyone they can to “ban guns”. I emailed 2 letters to CA asking if they know what laws are in place already, but of course no reply. Where exactly does the money go to from the A&MF? I’d like to know.