The Victorian Government has been caught in their own web of deception. Just last week, we were informed by the Andrews’ Labor government that the reason gun shops had to be closed was because of alleged ‘panic buying of firearms’. Lisa Neville the Victorian Police Minister
Labor wanker calls Anning “racist” for wanting Castle Doctrine
More good work on the self-defence front by Senator Fraser Anning has been met with the usual contempt by the major parties, this time Labor: Straight into character assassination, invoking Godwin’s law and absolutely no attempt by either Labor Senator to address the right to self-defence
Public Safety: A feeble excuse in the A.C.T, not a result.
Australian firearm owners are very familiar with the phrase “Public Safety”. It’s usually bandied about whenever new restrictions are about to be imposed, or as an excuse for not removing laws that are not only unfair but lacking in evidence that they actually increase public safety.
Ian Stewart needs to stop being a pussy over Gun World Billboard
Here we go again. The ABC couldn’t help stirring up some faux outrage over the latest Gun World Billboard: “A handgun for Christmas? That is what one store is promoting along a busy Brisbane road in the lead up to the festive season. A new billboard
Labor’s Leanne Enoch plays victim card over Gun World non-troversy
Now the ABC have doubled down on this week’s “2 minutes hate of gun owners” campaign with Queensland Labor MP Leanne Enoch resurfacing: “A YEAR after Queensland MP Leeanne Enoch fought to remove a billboard encouraging people to buy guns for Christmas, the politician has revealed the
Loony Lisa’s “fairer firearm regulations” are complete drivel
Well it’s election time in Mexico, and while Labor are doing their best to pork barrel the hell out of Victoria, Police Minister Lisa Neville gave us this doublespeak: “Victoria’s new firearms regulations come into effect today following significant consultation with the firearm community, industry stakeholders, the
Thistlethwaite whinges again about not being able to sell Malabar Range to the Chinese
Not this latte-sipping wimp again: Exactly like moving in next door to race track and complaining it should be shut down. So who managed to secure the lease for Malabar Range for another 50 years? None other than Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm: “SHOOTERS will
Loony Lisa’s “double illegal” firearms ban is a waste of time
Lisa ”Lobsters with Mobsters” Neville decided to get in the Murdoch press to spruik the novel idea of banning criminals from owning firearms: “Victorian bikies, gangsters and potential extremists will soon be subject to strict gun bans in a bid to combat organised crime. Victoria Police
Shambolic Shorten wants Turnbull to illegally enforce non-binding National Firearms Agreement on Tasmania
In a cynical move designed deliberately to tie in with the #MarchForOurLives hysteria, Bill Shorten has written to Malcolm Turnbull over the Will Hodgman government’s proposals in Tasmania. This from the ALPBC: “Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has called on the Prime Minister to review proposed changes
Loony Lee, Rabid Roland and the ALP whinge about Will Hodgman’s firearm proposals
After embarrassing herself over kangaroo culling in Australia the last two weeks, former Gun Control Australia member and Greens’ Senator Lee Rhiannon took to federal parliament to complain about Will Hodgman’s proposals in Tasmania: Senator Bridget McKenzie, Jim Molan and others also added their views to