Always a different story when the shoe is on the other foot: “Why have Queensland’s top medical bodies come out against proposed amendments to the state’s mandatory reporting laws? The answer is simple. As they stand, the laws make it harder for doctors with mental health
Australian Malpractice Association wants all guns banned
Straight from the horse’s mouth: “The Australian Gun Safety Alliance, a coalition of concerned organisations committed to ensuring that gun laws are upheld around the nation, will save lives, AMA President, Dr Tony Bartone, said today. Launched by the Parliamentary Friends of Gun Control this morning,
Same story, different title: Port Arthur Industrial Complex launches “Australian Gun Safety Alliance”
What do you do when you’re soundly losing an information war on firearms? Put a new shade of lipstick on the same pig. Australian anti-gun groups have decided to try and find a way to claim back the narrative they’ve lost badly since the Adler debacle,
Disgraceful: NSWFAR deflects mistake onto gun owning dads
In the wake of the Sydney double shooting which claimed the lives of two teenage children, there has been a new wave of unnecessary cheerleading for more gun control. This latest hysteria, led by both the Fairfax and Newscorp commentariat, is arguing for such measures as
AMA and AMF give embarrassing “calls” for centralised firearm storage
Another couple of entrants appeared in the conga line of Australian anti-firearm organisations hoping to take advantage of the Las Vegas shooting to push the anti-firearm agenda. The Australian Medical Association and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation teamed up to deliver another bit of anti-firearm agitprop
Medicare hack debacle proves that it’s time the firearm registries were shut down for good
The private details of Australians on Medicare are in jeopardy after revelations that the national database has been hacked and details are being sold on the dark web, in one of the largest identity theft scandals in recent history. Yet to comment on this is AMA
“Bomb amnesty” and another firearm registry fail. The farce continues.
For the 2nd time in four months, Australian firearm owner details have been leaked to the public due to bureaucratic incompetence. In contrast to the incident in Victoria just recently, Service NSW have sent firearm licences to the wrong addresses. From the Daily Telegraph: “WEAPON stores
“New” National Firearms Agreement. Same sh*t, different day
In true government style when no-one was paying attention on a Friday afternoon, the ‘new’ National Firearms Agreement was released by the Attorney General’s office on Friday. The review took two years, wasted a ton of public money, took no intentional public consultation other than an
AMA Enters Gun Debate. Prognosis: Full Potato.
Well, 4 days into the new year and 2016 is looking like it was a warm up. Just as a jewellery store robbery was taking place with an illegal firearm in Melbourne, the Australian Medical Association has weighed into the gun control debate, more than likely