Australian firearm owners are very familiar with the phrase “Public Safety”. It’s usually bandied about whenever new restrictions are about to be imposed, or as an excuse for not removing laws that are not only unfair but lacking in evidence that they actually increase public safety.
Firearm Owners United presents: 3-Gun Nation Australia
Australian Shooters, Firearm Owners United is proud to be the official 3 Gun peak body in Australia. We have attained status under the 3 Gun Nation Banner which has seen massive support and increased participation around the world as an exciting and dynamic sports shooting
How to get your firearm license in the Australian Capital Territory
How to get your ACT Firearms License: So, you’ve decided to become a Law abiding Firearm Owner? Well, these are the steps you will need to follow on your path to joining one of the most enjoyable and safe sports in Australia: Step 1: Genuine Reason: