In the wake of the Flinders street terror attack, the past week or so has seen an overt promotion by the Australian government in ramping up the national security theatre for new year’s eve:
“COPS armed with Colt M4 semiautomatic rifles will be on guard in Sydney and Melbourne, putting parts of each city into “lockdown” as they try to guarantee the safety of revellers this New Year’s Eve. More than half a million people are expected to celebrate in Melbourne and Sydney is expected to host around one million partygoers for its world-famous firework display.
In Melbourne extra bollards will be installed and hundreds of police will patrol the streets to protect inner city partygoers from potential attacks, Acting Commissioner Andrew Crisp said today. It comes after a potential New Year’s Eve terror attack allegedly planned for the city was foiled.”
Yeh, about those so-called bollards:
You don’t need to understand German to know what the above is all about, these are the same bollards currently in place in Sydney and Melbourne. This is after those trucks parked around the Sydney CBD protecting shoppers. Your tax payer dollars at work.
What excuse does the government have when they attack areas that are not “protected” by bollards, as we saw at Flinders Street? Not to mention that bollards create bottlenecks and/or choke points during a mass casualty attack. Or when they use explosives, knives or another mass shooting? No, you’re not protected by Australia’s gun laws either, Man Monis, Yacqub Khyre, Rick Maddison and the rest have shown that unequivocally – get over it.
And strangely, there’s been no calls for a vehicle buy back as of yet, but we won’t put it past them.
Basically, for want of a better term a lot of this is a federal and state government security theatre wank. They have to show the public they can apparently protect you while completely ignoring the fact their policies have caused this and that everything they already had in place, namely bollards and heavily armed police, failed to do so at Flinders Street.
As we’ve said before, none of these security measures were necessary 10, let alone 5, years ago. It’s an absolute travesty that this has been allowed to proceed as the norm in Australia.
So what happened to Australia? Well, in my opinion several things.
The ongoing circus in Canberra and record low support for the two major parties, foreign influence in federal politics, big problems with our immigration program and our rubbish economy are just several of many issues that seemed to have formed a nexus point in the country’s history.
Those aforementioned issues are beyond our pay grade here but are worth highlighting.
What concerns us in the firearm world, is the very fact that the Australian government is continuing to push disarmament of the public while at the same time ramping up the removal of freedoms and armament/security apparatus of the state. The absolute hypocrisy we have seen from Australian Police in the past week or so, proudly displaying semi-automatic rifles for “protection of the public” while they and government have done everything they can to demonise said rifles and keep the public from owning them for the past 21 years, being the highlight.
This is on top of the David Dunstan and Margo Marshall fiascos we saw this year, in which Police and state governments did everything they could to demonise and disarm those who practiced self-defence with a firearm.
Notice a pattern here?
None of the causative elements of Australia’s seeming decline are being addressed. Instead, we have politicians and others outside politics using these events as an opportunity to implement policies and laws that are grossly nefarious and anti-freedom in nature.
This is greatly concerning for obvious reasons. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t pro-gun, these issues affect all of us. When Daniel Andrews can make statements like “civil liberties are just a luxury” and “violent extremism is part of contemporary Australia” while suffering two terror attacks in a year, violent crime engulfs his state and then goes on to pass all kinds of draconian laws “for your safety” we have a much bigger problem.
Can’t wait for the 2018 “Melbourne is the most liveable city” rigged poll. But mate, how good is the food?
The government can’t keep you safe, they can only keep themselves safe. When it comes to terrorism and violent crime, the only way to keep the public safe is to empower the public to defend themselves and address the aforementioned causative issues. Non-lethal self-defence items such as tasers and pepper spray, licenced concealed carry and a judiciary that actually puts people away are a great start.
Contrast Australia to the example of the Czech Government empowering it’s citizens and it’s lack of terror attacks and you can see why.
2017 was not a great year at all for freedom in Australia, on the firearms front or otherwise.
How do you fix that in 2018? It begins by not voting for the Coalition, Labor or the Greens.
Why no mention of immigration?