Oh boy, it just gets even more morbidly hilarious watching the grave dancing and last-minute opportunism from the Nats and Libs:
You know you’re on life support when you’re wheeling this guy out, with absolutely no thought for the victims of Christchurch.
Just two days ago John Howard said he “wouldn’t say anything about gun laws” in the aftermath of Christchurch and less than 24 hours later he’s broken that promise. We all knew that wouldn’t last.
The Lib/Nats did this before in the Cootmaundra by-election where they mass inboxed a letter from Howard and Fischer in 2017, playing the exact same angle.
There’s really not much else left to say about this relevance deprivation syndrome suffering clown except piss off, John. No-one cares what you have to say about this election. Take your $400,000 a year cost to the tax payer and go quietly into the night.
Bring on March 23rd and the end of the Nationals.
Fifty unarmed defenseless people are murdered.
While a deranged man is the primary reason these people died, the secondary reason is that they could not defend themselves. Firearm prohibition is the reason these people could not defend themselves. If only one of them had a firearm, the death count might have been zero. The same applies to Port Arthur and most other incidents of murder.
And who will politicians blame when the likely retaliation occurs? Themselves?
Australians should be armed. It is the only timely defense.