We said it would only be a matter of time before another attack happened in John Howard’s “Safer Australia” and sadly we were right:
But remember folks, cars aren’t “designed to kill” – being run over is apparently a less painful and more humane way to go out than being shot, stabbed or blown up. Who would have thought that putting bollards up in certain areas would just force terrorists to go to other areas? In this case, he waited until there was a red light and pedestrians were crossing the road and there you go.
Sadly, a 4 year old toddler was among the victims and as usual, the Alannah and Madeline Foundation have not said anything.
Don’t worry, if you were standing behind any of those concrete bollards through the city, you would have been safe. Or not:
The spin from Police Minister Lisa Neville was the usual apologist rubbish. 1 week removed from claiming crime was down, the past week alone has seen riots in Collingwood, St Kilda and Werribee – the latter of which 200 youths rioted and no-one was arrested by Victoria Police.
Neville claimed that Police response time to the Flinders Street incident was 15 seconds. Well that was because an off-duty Police officer happened to be there by chance, in among the fracas. This is also because Victoria Police command is literally on Flinders Street, just to the south-west of where the incident happened, in the most policed area of Melbourne.
If an incident of this nature or worse happened outside the CBD or in rural Victoria, Neville would be censoring the response time. Furthermore, 16 people were hit and it was already too late – just showing you how fast events like this can happen and that Police are purely reactionary.
Do us all a favour and resign, Lisa. You’re useless.
Perhaps the most interesting part of this incident is the gentleman with the knives who was filming the attack. He was released but is likely to be charged with other offences later. Was he at all connected? Time will tell. Given that many of the recent vehicle attacks usually end with the driver getting out of the vehicle and stabbing/shooting when his vehicle crashes, it would not be out of the realm of possibility.
Well what can you say, really? Melbourne this year alone has seen the Bourke Street attack, the Brighton Siege and now the Flinders Street attack, on top of an epic violent crime wave.
The Victorian Government’s response? Free footy tickets, bail for everyone, community correction orders, under trained cops with M4 rifles, more draconian firearm laws being proposed, freedom crushing detention laws, bollards that don’t work, a CBD speaker system while all the while calling civil liberties “luxuries.”
This is not the same Australia we grew up in. None of this was necessary 10, let alone, 5 years ago. Note also that none of the aforementioned stopped this attack and will likely not prevent others.
In essence, taking freedoms away while things deteriorate – if that isn’t authoritarian then I don’t know what is. Terrorists and big government win, the public loses.
Now, we’re not denigrating the good work that frontline Police have done preventing attacks. The recent NYE plot and this year’s bomb smuggling plot in Sydney are two of note. However, as evidenced it’s a numbers game and they can’t be everywhere all the time – besides that’s called a Police state and if you feel safer in one of those, Kim Jong Un or Nicholas Maduro would welcome you with open arms.
As we’ve said before disarming the public, the mass immigration ponzi scheme, a crap economy and rampant authoritarianism have combined to make events like these more common place.
Labor, Liberal and the Greens are all to blame – all three are for mass immigration, anti-self defence, anti-freedom and pro-authoritarianism. It’s also the members of the Australian public who continue to vote for these three parties. Why? Why vote for parties who have continually shown they are against the constituency they represent? Aside from a few boutique issues, they are nearly indistinguishable from each other.
The security theatre we’ve seen this week, with NSW Police parading around their new firearms, is also a joke. Police again were proven too late to be there in time even though they did finally apprehend the suspect. On the other hand, a concealed carrying member of the public could’ve also potentially apprehended the driver after he had crashed his vehicle in this instance – what is the difference between that and a Policeman?
Sure, self-defence in a situation like this is incredibly difficult and dangerous for any trained individuals, but without any kind of option you’re just a sitting duck. Had the man with the knives also decided to get involved then what? A disarmed populace only emboldens these scumbags from committing these types of acts. Note that none of this is happening in the Czech Republic, and for good reason.
You are not going to stop these attacks by continually treating the symptoms and giving more powers to mummy and daddy government.
The solutions are obvious: give people their freedoms back, allow them to protect themselves with the necessary tools and massively cut and overhaul our immigration program.
And oh yeh, stop voting for Labor, the Coalition and the Greens, starting with the Victorian Election in 2018.
Stop voting for parties that continually put Australians at risk.
The voting advice I am right behind, however one thing I have started to notice is just how similar the political/police leadership are to early WW1 leadership – in both cases the absolute unwillingness to accept that the conflict has changed, in WW1, it was barbed wire, machine guns and massed artillery that made straight up bayonet charges unworkable, yet for years the leadership stuck with, fix bayonets, blow the whisle, get massacred. repeat.
Todays leaders are stuck in the idea that intelligence services will catch the chatter, police will stop the ones that get through, however in this case the enemies have done away with complex networks – they just put out a how to manual, a directive from god to hit the infidel and sit back and watch the stabbings, vehicular homicides and so forth proceed and the police are always too late.
Nothing will stop all of these attacks, but concealed carry has a number of advantages –
1. it is a natural response for a free person.
2. it is revenue neutral.
3. the defence goes where the targets go.
4. it complicates the attackers planning (uncertainty is a good thing).
5. it benefits against ‘normal’ crime.
How many more have to die before we are prepared to change our game plan – can we at least agree on a number for that?
Harry, I completely agree. I will say that I would argue on top of that, the advent of the internet has blown the traditional law enforcement model apart and they don’t really know what to do. There’s too many people to watch, too many channels, too much data, etc. A lot of them are still stuck in the outdated Policing model but have a whole pile of PC and leftist principles being thrust on them, Vic Pol is probably one of hte worst.
In Melbourne’s case the jails are full. They’ve brought 560,000 people into the city in the last 5 years alone – that is insane growth and it’s no wonder the courts are just giving out bail and CCO’s left and right. It’s arrogant of Police leadership to think they can cope. The fact that even non-lethal is still illegal is a travesty.
you are right about the internet, but it gets more absurd – govts made it easier for terrorists and criminals to hide their communications via the internet when they went along with music and movie producers hitting people who illegally download such things with massive fines. the natural result, almost everybody uses virtual private networks (VPNs) now, which encrypt their data stream – of course so do terrorists, but before the crackdown intelligence services could look for VPNs and the ask “why does this user need one”, exclude businesses etc and narrow down the search.
now they are looking for a needle a a needlestack.
The competence of Govt makes me feel so safe…