As the fallout from Christchurch continues, we now learn that both the Australian and NZ governments failed to have Brendan Tarrant on any kind of watchlist despite plenty of warning signs:
“Ms Ardern said authorities were “live” to the growth of violent right-wing extremist groups. But Tarrant was not on an Australian or New Zealand watch list.
“This individual should have been someone that the
authorities were aware of and were proactively already focused on,” she
“Those are the exact questions that we have asked and that the agencies
are working on.”
So how does that work with the guy posting his intentions all over the internet, including several days before on Twitter? Not to mention the fact that he also travelled to several high terrorism risk countries by himself in addition to what we know.
We now also discover
he mailed his manifesto directly to the Prime Minister and several other government
“The Prime
Minister’s Office has confirmed it received a copy of a “manifesto”
from the alleged gunman less than 10 minutes before the attacks began on Friday
– along with about 70 other recipients.
Other politicians on the mailing list included National leader Simon Bridges and Parliament’s Speaker Trevor Mallard. Most of the other recipients were media, both domestic and international, a spokesman for Jacinda Ardern confirmed. The Herald was not listed among recipients.
It had been framed as though events had occurred, he said.
“The mail was setting his reasons for doing it. He didn’t say this is what I am about to do. There was no opportunity to stop it.”
Sure, 10 minutes lead time (if true) of someone’s intentions, which could just as easily be dismissed as some crank (think of how much spam email politicians receive), really isn’t enough to prevent these things. However, the point above of repeated warnings and suspicious behaviour online from the gunman pointed to plenty of reason for Police or security agency action.
At the very least, why wasn’t his firearm licence cancelled long before?
Those of us old enough to remember in 1996 exactly what John Howard did in those 12 days when he rammed the NFA through. Outrage followed by wave after wave of anti-gun propaganda, followed by fake promises of consultation with firearm owners and then boom, standing in front of a crowd of gun owners in Sale telling them “I’m sorry there’s nothing else I can do.”
It seems that moment has already transpired with Labor idiot David Parker telling a crowd exactly that yesterday.
The irony of this scenario is Jacinda Ardern is playing right into the gunman’s hands, by giving him exactly what he wished for in his manifesto:
Quite the conundrum for Jacinda. How is she going to justify this? Not giving into terrorists by giving terrorists exactly what they want? It’s also double the conundrum for her as she, like any vacuous progressive, loves to virtue signal along cultural and racial lines as we saw yesterday. In other words, she’s going to worsen the already inflamed cultural war.
The whole premise of the firearm ban proposal, while not surprising at all, is absurd. An immigrant killed a whole bunch of immigrants, with what appeared to be illegally modified firearms, while posting his intentions repeatedly and the solution to that is to punish 250,000 Kiwi gun owners by restricting their freedoms and confiscating their property?
Pull your head in, Jacinda. We know this is the emotion phase of an attack where people aren’t thinking clearly and politicians attempt to exploit this to the hilt for their own end. Any suggestion of further firearm restrictions, particularly when the laws are already incredibly tight and New Zealand has not had an incident of this severity for nigh on 30 years, is purely agenda driven nonsense by snakes of the likes of Chris Cahill and co.
Explain why your government failed to keep NZ citizens safe and holster the divisive rhetoric because it will only create further division, which is exactly what the gunman also wants.
I’m sorry FOU, but to some extent you’re a little off track here. Jackboot Jacinta’s (and her cheerleaders’) “outrage” is totally contrived here, and she knows it. Her premise that this grub should have been on some “watchlist” is totally ridiculous . Is simply plays to the (false) premise that “the government is there to protect you”. The events in Christchurch put paid to that lie on Friday …. as did the events in port Arthur 20 years ago and in every spree killing in the US and elsewhere since. The fact is that the govt cannot be there to protect you and that is why the right to carry firearms in self defence is a fundamental natural right.
JJ ‘s posturing here (along with gun control) is typical of statists worldwide and simply designed to reassure a hoodwinked and frightened public that, yes, be reassured, we’re from the government and we’re here to protect you . I weep that the tentacles of the welfare state are so pervasive that the public swallows this line hook line and sinker..
“Sure, 10 minutes lead time (if true) of someone’s intentions, which could just as easily be dismissed as some crank (think of how much spam email politicians receive), really isn’t enough to prevent these things. ”
Whilst I take your point here, it was enough information to tell the Police to bring reaction forces to immediate readiness, which would have lowered the response time considerably.
Dean’s post reminds me that the files on the PAM are supposed to be released this year. Exactly when I wonder.
Here is some commentary from a y/tube user Unhappy Customer about Tarrant’s supposed livestream underneath the y/tube video :
” I saw live footage many times.
1. The gunman walks the whole way from his car toward the entrance of the Mosque yard with the AR15 in his hands and people standing around don’t react? don’t call police right away? (at 6:27 can see man and woman beside their car turning and looking at him calmly as if nothing special happens)
2. When he enters the magazine is already seen on the floor (6:53) later (at 8:30) he picks it up on his way out.
3. People are already weirdly piling up on the floor as if waiting to be shot instead of running around in panic, except only one or two random distant figures at the start. (Usually there are A LOT of people in the Mosque on Friday evening prayer, both inside the mosques and outside in the front yard, but not in this case, front yard is also strangely empty).
3. He posts about what he is going to do well before the event and after him massacring there for almost 20 minutes in the center of the city (!) (goes back to car, reloads, returns and continues shooting) no police shows up (?!)…
4. He leaves his car with open boot and weapons in it parked outside while he goes into mosque(!).
5. Later when leaving he shoots through the car windscreen (for fun? or to show us how stupid we are?) and no holes, no glass breaking! seriiously???
6. That “witness” old man with white beard in TV news sounds and looks totally lying.
7. No single spot of blood on white sheets covering wounded taken by ambulance.
8. No bullet holes anywhere in the walls (blanks).
9. He shoots outside in the street (8:57) and no reaction, no people running screaming, calling police. ”
There are some more good observations by Kelly Morris beneath this, but I’m sure there’s only so much I can copy and paste here and that’s fair enough.
I’ll finish with a bit of optimism. The Aramoana massacre in 1990 left 13 dead (was it a hoax though) but didn’t change NZ gun laws. Their register for bolt action rifles and most shotguns was discontinued in 1983. Possibly, if enough people make enough of a fuss, for example by picking holes in what we’re being fed about this event. A lot more people are supposed to have died in this incident but it’s also being subject to far more scrutiny than in the essentially pre-internet days of 1990.
Hey Anon
Your (point 1) about him walking the entire way car to Mosque & no-one calls cops.
It was just 16 seconds from the point he entered the street till he started shooting. He was only walking on the street for 6 fucking seconds before turning into the Mosque carpark. Only 2 people are seen in the video turning to look at him just 1.9 seconds before he turns into the mosque carpark.
Question For you 6 seconds on the street and 1.9 seconds of being witnessed by people out front and your suggestingsomething is suss because no-one reacted and called cops and tried to stop it!!!
Are you are fucking moron or just a TROLL?? BTW, the guy out front with his wife did in fact call the cops after hearing shots and fleeing, it’s all available online fuckwit. I guess big brave internet conspiracy fuckwits like yourself would have reacted in a microsecond. Would you like me to continue to dismantle the rest of your lunatic ranting theory.
He doesn’t walk with his AR15 in hand you fuckwit, its the Shotgun, the AR is slung over his shoulder and doesn’t get raised till he throws the shotty once emptied. Its a minor detail but its these details that matter, once you start changing that shit, just as you guys always do its no longer about the actual event but about some crazy fucked up conspiracy that you and your friendless conspiracy theory cohorts create. Thr magazines you say are already there before he drops them, take another look fuckwit, look at the carpet, follow the carpet pattern, unless this guy carefully laid magazines in a perfect repeating pattern along the carpet I think you have fucked up again dickhead. AS for why is everyone piling on top of each other in two main huddles and not running around screaming ……….. Have you been in this kinda situation yourself have you??? Why the fuck would you run around like that, it’d be asking to get shot. Besides that these people literally had around 5 seconds from hearing the shots to react …….. you really are a fucking moron aren’t you!!!!
Before getting into the meat of my response, I’d like to start the same way I started my first comment, by reminding all readers that classified information about the PAM is supposed to be released some time this year. Does anyone know exactly when this is supposed to happen? I have no illusions that everything will be released. I understand, for example, that any role played by ASIS in response to the PAM can quite legally be withheld until the end of time. Nevertheless, there are supposed to be documents being released this year by the federal government, and this material may inadvertently contain some interesting information.
Secondly, simply to ask questions is not a sign of being a fuckwit, and aggressively refusing to entertain any possibilities beyond what is spoon fed to you in the media is not respectful to anyone other than the media and authorities.
YouTube commentator Unhappy Customer writes:
“(at 6:27 can see man and woman beside their car turning and looking at him calmly as if nothing special happens)”.
If this is so, then it is pretty much a slam dunk that some kind of conspiracy is going on. Perhaps the man and women were spliced in via a green screen or they may be deepfakes. Or maybe they’re Intel.
We can all see this for ourselves at 6:27 because, as you say,
“…it’s all available online fuckwit.”
All of what exactly? Can you give me a working link to the entire video Tarrant is supposed to have shot, because I was under the impression that Facebook etc. were working hard to remove this video, and police and politicians have been requesting people not to look for it.
And this:
“He doesn’t walk with his AR15 in hand you fuckwit, its the Shotgun, the AR is slung over his shoulder…”
This proves my point rather than yours. You’re admitting
they saw him carrying not one but two guns. Seeing this for even two seconds would surely have been enough. See above. Besides that, it seems impractical to be carrying more than one kind of gun since that means more than one kind of ammo and seems awkward unless it was a ploy to crack down in pump action shotguns as well as AR-15’s. Shades of Port Arthur and the Daewoo shotgun Martin Bryant supposedly had in the boot if his car.
Besides all of the above, you made no effort to address the other points made by Unhappy Customer.
That people actually died doesn’t preclude any mass-shooting from being a false flag operation intentionally staged by the powers that be, to push through more draconian oppression and influence public opinion.
Law enforcement, military intelligence and Federal emergency preparedness bodies regularly plan and execute simulations, training exercises or drills that involve responding to mock terrorist attacks, active shooter scenarios, WMD threats and other national emergencies. Like with everything related to matters of national security, the planning details of these kinds of operations are classified and never made public.
These exercises and drills have a nasty habit of being planned months or years in advance to occur at precisely the same time that real-world terrorist attacks unfold, as on the day of 9/11, the London 7/7 attacks, the Boston Marathon Bombings and the Sandy Hook School Shooting. See this video for the best, most concise synopsis on 9/11:
This gives plausible deniability and cover during the planning and preparation for false flag operations, as everything is merely seen as a “training exercise” until it isn’t and due to the extremely realistic nature of these exercises and the mobilisation of vast amounts of personnel and resources, it becomes to trivial to either pass off an exercise as a real-world attack (where no casualties take place but everyone save for those involved believe they saw real carnage and destruction) or to introduce a controlled patsy or several who does carry out real acts of violence and is coordinated, orchestrated and directed by the entire operation to inflict a specific amount of damage before a phony arrest and/or suicide.
And I know you’re going to retort with something along the lines of “But how could so many people be in on a secret of that magnitude and not blow the whistle blah blah blah”, to which I’ll respond:
The Manhattan Project
Operation Northwoods
Every black military project for classified technology ever developed (e.g. U-2 spy planes, SR-71 Blackbird, B-2 Stealth Bomber, etc.)
And most importantly, the concept of compartmentalisation.
The entire world, and especially the American public, had no foreknowledge of the spectre of nuclear weapons until they were used in warfare for the first time on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Over 130,000 people were involved in the Manhattan Project for 6 years and they maintained air-tight operational security for that entire time. Not only that, but the majority of those involved in the project had no idea they were furthering the development of atomic bombs or were even aware that research into weaponising nuclear fission was the program’s aim.
Keeping people in the dark and ensuring only those at the very top levels of an organisation are aware of the larger agenda has been built-in into military, law enforcement and political hierarchies since time immemorial.
Heck, you don’t even have to look at examples in the military-industrial-intelligence complex. Any of Hollywood’s major blockbuster films in very popular franchises like Star Wars, Captain America, James Bond, X-Men or Jurassic Park are kept extremely well-hidden from publicity until the producers and movie studios are ready to make an official announcement. Same goes for major automobile manufacturers like Volkswagen, Toyota or GM; they test new models in complete secrecy and even camouflage prototype models when they have to be driven on public roads.
There are also other glaring inconsistencies and plot-holes in the official narrative of the Christ Church shootings that I outlined in my comments on this article, so I suggest you read them:
You can’t make this shit up.
According to the official narrative, Tarrant murders 50 people just for attention, a shit-posting troll looking to cause chaos, and he leaves behind a fucking instructional manual on how best to help him achieve his stated goals of dividing the public along political, racial and religious lines and causing further bloodshed.
Instead of denying him the attention he’s seeking, it’s like these “leaders” are carefully going through the manifesto page-by-page, and following his every step.
He’s a scumbag, not an idiot. all he is doing is ringing Pavlovs bell, the dogs can’t help themselves.