Queensland Minister for Small Business, Labor’s Leeanne Enoch, has launched an attack on a small business in a show of virtue signalling before the Queensland election.
This is what Enoch posted on her Facebook page:
She was promptly blown out in the comments section of said Facebook post. A counter petition to keep the sign up has also been posted here.
She then had a second go at trying to remain relevant by issuing this statement about the Adler shotgun:
Yes, still trying to push the ‘8 shots in 8 seconds” line this late in the game and induce some fake moral panic based on outright ignorance.
The Courier Fail tried previously to spark the Gun World non-troversey with this article:
Situated at the corner of Beaudesert and Algester roads at Calamvale, the towering billboard shows a woman dressed as Santa Claus and posing with a hand gun under the headline: “Santa Knows What You Really Want”.
The billboard is advertising guns for a store which is located at Hillcrest.Concerned mother Lynda McKenzie said the sign was purposefully misleading and the image of Santa Claus with a gun had confused her young son had brought memories of the recent Florida massacre flooding back.
“When my kids saw it they questioned why they were encouraging buying guns like in the US where people shoot lots of people,” she said. “(That was) out of kids mouths. Not the sort of thing I want my kids to be worrying about.”
Yes, what better way to make your case than vox popping some random mother, who asked her kids for their opinion on an issue they, like her, don’t really understand. More quality journalism from Murdoch.
They didn’t like it when we challenged them on this:
Tim Fischer now apparently has a gig at the Courier Mail as their social media intern.
Gunworld have issued a response via their Facebook page:
Well we’ve perhaps reached peak stupid in the election cycle already: the Minister for Small Business determined to put a legal small business out of business because it’s advertising a legal product that the Minister does not like. It doesn’t get much more pointlessly authoritarian than that.
In other words, Enoch is trying to ban opinions she doesn’t like. So much for entrepreneurship.
This is a pure sign of desperation from the QLD Labor government and the latest in a never-ending series of attacks on gun owners that began with Jo-Ann Miller, continued with Bill Byrne and has reached it’s climax with pistol owner turned Judas, Mark Ryan. It’s also seen repeated attempts by Jackie Trad using the Adler as her vehicle.
Good old Labor: the supposed party of workers. Doing their best to put people out of business and out of work while pretending to represent worker’s rights. They’re no better than, and just as fake as, the Liberal Party.
This is why it is important that you #putthemajorslast on November 25.
Leeanne Enoche you are a discrace. Resign now, you do not deserve the right to be apart of our government.
smell that?
its extreme fear and panic!
that’s why they pulled an early election (abt six months)
ONP, KAP, Shooters, Fishers and Farmers and pro-gun Indys will wipe the floor with them….
the next Qld Parl. will be hung like a hog!
Christmas and guns. Not just toy guns mind you. But an Adler
no less. And Gunworld is complaining that the Minister wants
the billboard removed? Goodness me. We’re becoming more
Americanised. And who doesn’t like that?
A legal business advertising legal products and the minister for small business wants it censored? You think that’s acceptable?