It continues.
As the “a defenceless Australian is a safer Australian” narrative continues to implode in Melbourne it was revealed this past week that there has been a 13.4% increase in the crime rate in Victoria.
This follows on from the revelation that many 000 calls have response times of 1 hour or are just plain being ignored. So don’t worry all you Victorian folks that are being car jacked, home invaded, bashed and robbed – not only do you have an undermanned Police Force with weakened bail laws and a no pursuit policy to deal with, but now calling the Police is becoming eerily similar to a night out at Crown with worse odds.
In just a snippet of this week’s action a supermarket was held up by a gang of knife wielding assailants (the second in a week), a pregnant woman was threatened with a knife in a home invasion, a shotgun was used in a robbery on a motorcycle store in Bentleigh (we’re told he’ll hand it in during the amnesty) and yet another carjacking, this time in broad daylight at Southland.
You know shit has hit the fan when you’re getting jacked for your Toyota Yaris.
And the pick of the week was this drug affected male assaulting multiple people on a Melbourne train and biting an elderly woman before being pepper sprayed and tazered by a member of the public. Oops, made that last part up.
Where was Daniel Andrews? Oh that’s right, he was tackling the “important issues” like free Wifi for the Melbourne CBD and giving the LGBTI-AFUR13NV%^# community $500,000 for muh diversity. Read: buying votes.
Now contrast this to a jewellery store employee using an AK-47 to ward off a gang of thieves in Texas, a woman with a concealed carry firearm stopped a car jacking, a woman shooting her abusive partner in self defence in a domestic violence incident and a man defending his house from a home invasion in California all just this past week. But of course, you didn’t see those on the news or anywhere in the Australian media, because the usual something something “muh narrative those don’t happen” still applies.
Instead, we got the usual sensationalist, poorly researched drivel from the Today Show about how 3D printed guns are apparently the “new menace” on the streets, complete with some thinly veiled threats about internet censorship of firearm websites and related content. One senses a desperate narrative change and predictive programming into overdrive over the upcoming NFA as far as the MSM is concerned.
To be fair to the Victorian Government, there was a proposal for more Police on the streets, to the tune of 3301 by 2021. In our opinion, this is pure short term public appeasement when you take into account the realities of meeting proposals of this nature as we touched on last week.
As we’ve previously mentioned a lot of this problem is also to do with immigration policies, but as we’ve said before Australian Border Force is nowhere to be seen on this; and don’t dare try bringing that up in the socialist stronghold of inner city Melbourne without a throng of dyed hair, attention deprived socialists yelling “racism” from their social media strongholds. If Melbourne continues to grow at the rate it is currently on pace for, then the 3000 extra Police will mean absolutely nothing by 2021.
Until the Andrews Government and the upper echelons of Victoria Police swallow their pride and admit that some of their decisions over the last 24 months are almost solely to blame for the recent crime wave, and at the very least facilitated it, then things will only get worse. They’re essentially handing the Opposition the law and order ticket for the next election, as if the East-West Fiasco, Melbourne Ports sell off and CFA disgrace wasn’t enough.
And if they don’t get serious about self-defence tools for law abiding citizens, Victoria Police will further delegitimize themselves and more vigilantism will replace them such as this gentleman’s fine effort in stopping a car jacking.
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