With only a few weeks until the NSW state election, the political smear campaigns are well underway. The latest being this pathetic effort from the Daily Telegraph on Shooters, Fishers and Farmers candidate for Barwon Roy Butler:
“A shooter with a penchant for sniper rifles is poised to become the most likely candidate to steal a lower house seat from the Nationals at the upcoming state election.
Roy Butler, on track to edge out the Nationals in the knife-edge seat of Barwon, has been exposed as a sniper-rifle lover, posing for a photo grinning with an oversized weapon.
In another online post of rifles in the US, Shooters Fishers and Farmers candidate Mr Butler commented: “All the nice things we can’t have.”
It comes as The Daily Telegraph can reveal the Shooters Fishers and Farmers party will attempt to offset perceptions that the party stands for softer gun laws with a new ad campaign and letterbox drop to dispel “myths”.
Shooters Leader Robert Borsak dismissed the relevancy of the picture of Mr Butler, saying “obviously this is a photo of Mr Butler in the US somewhere”.
“What he is really doing is running for the seat of Barwon on the issues of water and drought,” he said.
“Law abiding firearms users should be able to use them and have them, but public safety is of the utmost importance.”
Mr Borsak restated: “We don’t support US-style guns laws.”
The Shooters and Mr Butler could hold the balance of power in the House if the government was to lose six seats.
“Sniper rifles.” Garbage from journalism lightweight Anna Caldwell but standard fare from the Daily Telegraph.
It’s painfully obvious the Nationals are behind this. They’re on the ropes in Barwon and are resorting to anything they can to sway the electorate.
It’s the same tired formula from the Nats – play the gun laws scare angle because they have absolutely nothing else to campaign on. They did this during the recent NSW by-elections in both Cootamundra and Murray, when they infamously letterbox dropped a faux outrage letter from John Howard and Tim Fischer on gun laws.
And now they are resorting to outright bribery to try and stave off defeat in Barwon by offering regional seniors transport cards.
The Nationals’ performance in NSW has been nothing short of embarrassing. Their piss poor performance on drought and water management is enough to see them hopefully voted out of existence forever.
Crush them at the next two elections.
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