Here we go again. A torrent of anti-firearm propaganda has swept the country for the umpteenth time, this time alleging One Nation colluded with the NRA to attract donations, which was revealed to be an Al-Jazeera set up: The first red flag is that the whole
LDP push pepper spray while One Nation votes against it
As David Leyonhjelm exited the Australian Senate last week, he used the opportunity to move a couple of final motions. One being for the legalisation of pepper spray: As you can see, it was soundly defeated and again, female Senators voted against it. Senator Fraser Anning
Category C and D firearms should be opened up for sports shooters
The ongoing saga in Tasmania has taken another twist with another appeal coming for Cat C firearms to be rightfully opened up for sports shooting: “Tasmanian sporting shooters say they are confident the State Government will deliver its election promise to consider allowing them to use
Labor’s Leanne Enoch plays victim card over Gun World non-troversy
Now the ABC have doubled down on this week’s “2 minutes hate of gun owners” campaign with Queensland Labor MP Leanne Enoch resurfacing: “A YEAR after Queensland MP Leeanne Enoch fought to remove a billboard encouraging people to buy guns for Christmas, the politician has revealed the
It’s their NPC: 4 Corners produces yet another biased anti-firearm whinge
When Port Arthur is stated within the first 30 seconds you know which way it’s going, but that’s no surprise. The ABC’s latest piece on firearms aired on the 4 Corners program (program being the operative word) on Monday night and as expected it was the
Wankers: WA Police trying to shut down Ella Valla Range because they don’t like guns
We reported last week about the “Very Powerful Firearm” nonsense and the bureaucrats inside WAPOL Firearms Licensing that have decided to take the law into their own hands. It now goes further than that, with WAPOL now actively trying to shut down Ella Valla Station and
ABC 4 Corners to run another anti-gun hit piece
Yeh, this looks real impartial and objective: The very fact that the ABC has wheeled out fake professor Philip Alpers for comment instantly undermines the ABC’s credibility, not that it has much these days anyway. We’ll reserve judgment until we’ve seen this in it’s entirety
Tasmanian Firearm “Inquiry” is a waste of time and taxpayer money
The Tasmanian Government looks like it has caved to the anti-gun loonies and is announcing an Inquiry into the proposed changes: “The Tasmanian Government has agreed to open up controversial gun law reform to scrutiny by the state’s Upper House, as pressure is applied to the
Relevance Deprivation Syndrome: Flailing Fischer rambles about tariffs on firearms and ammunition
The man responsible for the biggest ever wipe out of the National Party vote in Australian history, came forward with more anti-firearm drivel on the ABC in response to Donald Trump’s tariffs: “If they are going to whack a 25% tariff on steel, 20% on aluminium
Relevance Deprivation Syndrome: More anti-firearm drivel from Tony Rundle
The conga line of ultracrepidarians spouting unqualified opinions over Will Hodgman’s proposals grew longer this week. This time with another Howard-era fossil, Tony Rundle, on the ABC: “Tasmania’s former Liberal premier, Tony Rundle, who was in government when the Port Arthur massacre occurred, is urging the