How to get your NT Firearms License: With great access to hunting lands and a great variety of game, The Northern Territory is a truly great place to be a licenced firearm owner. The process to gain your licence in the NT is pretty straightforward, and
Gun Debate: Do we need Neil Mitchell?
Less than 24 hours after the incident at O’Reilly’s, our favourite Alannah and Madeline Foundation stooge, Neil Mitchell, was flailing his arms about on 3AW in faux outrage and calling for more gun control. Have a listen here: Kudos to Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party
AMA and AMF give embarrassing “calls” for centralised firearm storage
Another couple of entrants appeared in the conga line of Australian anti-firearm organisations hoping to take advantage of the Las Vegas shooting to push the anti-firearm agenda. The Australian Medical Association and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation teamed up to deliver another bit of anti-firearm agitprop