You know you’re about to get destroyed at a state election when you’re wheeling out fossils and policies from the 90’s:
Laughably pathetic from the Nationals but that train is never late. We saw this exact same stunt previously in the Cootamundra and Murray by-elections. This time it appears it’s “think of the children” literally with John Howard being wheeled out again.
Never mind the fact that there were 5 people shot dead in Melbourne last week and another person shot in Perth just yesterday but yeh, muh gun laws.
It’s also rich of John Barilaro and the Nationals to stick the knife into firearm owners when just last week they were pork barrelling the SSAA NSW and the shooting vote, after doing nothing for 5 years.
The Nationals are on the ropes in NSW. Mismanagement of the Murray-Darling and the drought, fishing licences, lockout laws, mass immigration overrunning Sydney, the light rail and Westconnex fiascos, the ANZ stadium debacle, energy prices and many other issues are what will decide this election – the Nationals feature on the wrong side of all of those debates.
Not to mention their current federal leadership implosion.
As we’ve said before, the majors are browning their pants that minor parties, particularly the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers and the Liberal Democrats will hold the balance of power in the lower and upper houses and while it’s no safe bet, there’s a strong chance this will occur.
We saw Sam Lee, at the behest of the Nationals, having a whinge about NSW having more than a million firearms last week and now they’ve dialled it up to eleven, in a last ditch hope to stem the bleeding from the minor party vote.
The Nationals are about to get rightfully crushed like the Liberals in Akubras that they are.
Show them and the major parties no mercy on March 23.
Only a million firearms. It would be better to have more!
I understand that the last time there were 1 mil registered firearms in NSW was in 1999. Per capita there were far more back then. Did a lot of people let their licenses lapse, do firearms license holders have fewer guns per person, a combination of these two or one or more other factors explain this decline?
But yeah, the nats are no good.