Where have we seen this before?
Not as the bodies were even cold from the horrific tragedy in Christchurch, Jacinda Ardern has stated her intentions of firearm bans. It seems that the next phase of the global civilian disarmament agenda is in play right now:
“New Zealand’s gun control laws will be strengthened following the massacre of 49 people in Christchurch mosques, the country’s prime minister has said.
Jacinda Ardern said at a press conference early on Saturday that she would consider banning semi-automatic firearms altogether after the alleged gunman behind the shootings obtained five guns legally.
“I can tell you one thing right now: our gun laws will change,” said Ardern. “There have been attempts to change our laws in 2005, 2012 and after an inquiry in 2017. Now is the time for change.”
This is the first public mass shooting in New Zealand since 1997, not 1991 in Aramoana as the Australian media are claiming. Irrespective, it’s been 22 years since a public mass shooting in NZ, how is this logically a reason to ban firearms given the success rate of the current laws?
Ardern is using the exact same formula that John Howard wrote in 1996. Use an event like this to act as the excuse and the emotional catalyst to gain support for a documented, pre-existing disarmament of everyone who had nothing to do with it.
Further, NZ gun owners have been battling NZ Police and gun grabber-extraordinaire Chris Cahill for the last three years, particularly over semi-auto rifles and have been successful repelling the attempted gun grabs on each occasion. The nutjob in Christchurch now gives Cahill the catalyst event to further his agenda.
We all know bans will not stop events like this from occurring. In recent years time and again, we’ve seen different methods to kill large numbers of people used to great affect and also firearm massacres occurring in countries with strict gun control. Terrorism is going to keep happening and there will no doubt be retaliation somewhere in the western hemisphere after this event.
New Zealand’s firearm vetting process is even tougher than Australia so there really isn’t anything they can do that would have any kind of effect, however we know that isn’t what Ardern wants. We all know it’s “ban all the guns” as quickly as possible, preferably while public emotion is high and it’s easier to ‘convince’ them.
The questions that the media are not asking:
Why was this guy not on a Police watch list despite posting his intentions several times on social media?
Why did AR15-wielding NZ Police take over 36 minutes to apprehend the gunman?
What of the reports of the armed man at the mosque who apparently drove back the attackers with a (legal status unknown) firearm?
Whether we get answers to these questions or not, time will tell and the first 72 hours of an event is usually crammed with emotion and also, outright lies, from the press.
John Howard rammed the non-legally binding National Firearms Agreement through, aided by some threats of federal funding to states who did not comply and gaol for gun owners who did not comply, in just 12 days but years later admitted he had the firearms laws drafted long beforehand and was just “waiting for the right time’ to introduce them.
It seems Ardern is looking for an opportunity to do similar across the Tasman.
Stand strong NZ gun owners, don’t allow yourselves to be collectively punished, scapegoated and cast out as pariahs by opportunistic politicians, emotionally gullible useful idiots and an agenda-setting media, for the actions of one nutjob.
Tags: Christchurch, Jacinda Ardern
It’s a political ploy to rid everyone of there guns same as port Arthur and once the people have nothing to defend with we all become the fallen.
It’s a world domination plan at its finest suppress the masses so the few can rise and take control .
It’s how anything that takes over a host works infiltrate in small numbers in all areas then slowly build in numbers till you are now greater than the host and can now take control.
And all our politicians are letting it happen without hesitation just to make them selves look good for the rest of the world
History reapeats itself every time
And here comes the hysterical, knee-jerk gun grab that’ll wash up on our Australian shores any day now folks…
Say goodbye to it all because the Globalists have pulled off a real doozy this time. 49 dead and 48 injured makes this the 9th deadliest mass shooting in history so far and all the attention will be directed at LAFOs and not at the Five Eyes surveillance dragnet who failed to pick up on multiple threats posted by the perpetrator beforehand in the very kinds of Internet cesspools where like-minded retards have congregated before, despite their ever-expanding warrantless surveillance program of every man and his dog and mandatory metadata retention/ISP-level logging of Internet traffic.
Nor will the woefully pathetic police response time that allowed a mass murderer to wander about Christchurch’s streets for almost 20 minutes, completely unmolested as he took pot shots at bystanders from several locations and drove from one attack to another while continuing to livestream the entire ordeal to Facebook.
Nor will any discussion of how the perpetrator actually managed to amass an arsenal that would have put a lot of American survivalists to shame, with numerous IEDs, stockpiles of ammunition that would have necessitated many purchases, banned drum magazines for his AR-15 and illegal modifications to the muzzle break, a fairly rare semi-auto Benelli or Saiga-type shotgun, not to mention the ridiculous amounts of range time and tactical preparation he needed to hone his marksmanship and weapons proficiency as the livestream footage indicates he was highly accurate (effortlessly hitting his victims outside the mosques at ranges of over 50 metres), extremely calm throughout the massacre and totally cold and emotionless (in other words: military training); all the while law enforcement, gun stores, gun clubs, gun ranges and fellow shooters or neighbours failed to noticed anything suspicious.
The extremely, conveniently-written “manifesto” that outlines his rationale for choosing to use guns instead of other means (i.e. vehicles, explosives) and specifically the AR-15, was because he wanted to influence the gun control debate in America, he knows that pro-gun control advocates in America are so fixated with banning that particular rifle and this would give them further ammunition to do so and to polarise conservatives and liberals further on gun control so the country would become more divided and possibly provoke some kind of civil unrest.
The whole episode stinks to high hell.
This what the gun-grabbers have dreamt of in their Orwellian fantasises for years and now they’re not going to let a good crisis go to waste.
You can expect everything they’ve had on the shelves for a long time and everything they’ve threatened in the past is now going to be see the light of day.
If I was as articulate as you….I would have said the exact same thing.
And here comes the hysterical, knee-jerk gun grab that’ll wash up on our Australian shores any day now folks…
Say goodbye to it all because the Globalists have pulled off a real doozy this time. 49 dead and 48 injured makes this the 9th deadliest mass shooting in history so far and all the attention will be directed at LAFOs and not at the Five Eyes surveillance dragnet who failed to pick up on multiple threats posted by the perpetrator beforehand in the very kinds of Internet cesspools where like-minded retards have congregated before, despite their ever-expanding warrantless surveillance program of every man and his dog and mandatory metadata retention/ISP-level logging of Internet traffic.
Nor will the woefully pathetic police response time that allowed a mass murderer to wander about Christchurch’s streets for almost 20 minutes, completely unmolested as he took pot shots at bystanders from several locations and drove from one attack to another while continuing to livestream the entire ordeal to Facebook.
Nor will any discussion of how the perpetrator actually managed to amass an arsenal that would have put a lot of American survivalists to shame, with numerous IEDs, stockpiles of ammunition that would have necessitated many eyebrow-raising bulk purchases, banned drum magazines for his AR-15 and illegal modifications to the muzzle break, a fairly rare semi-auto Benelli or Saiga-type shotgun, not to mention the ridiculous amounts of range time and tactical preparation he needed to hone his marksmanship and weapons proficiency as the footage indicates he was highly accurate (effortlessly shooting his victims outside the mosques at distances of 50 metres or more), extremely calm throughout the massacre and totally cold and emotionless (in the other words: military training); all the while law enforcement, gun stores, gun clubs, gun ranges and fellow shooters or neighbours failed to noticed anything suspicious.
The extremely conveniently-written manifesto that outlines the perpetrator’s rationale for choosing to use guns instead of other means (i.e. vehicles, explosives), and specifically the AR-15, because the pro-gun control advocates in America are so fixated with banning that particular rifle and this would give them further ammunition to do so, and because using guns would further polarise conservatives and liberals further on gun control so the country would become more divided and possibly provoke some kind of civil unrest.
This whole episode stinks to high hell.
This what the gun-grabbers have dreamt of in the Orwellian fantasies for years and now they’re not going to let a good crisis go to waste.
You can expect everything they’ve had on the shelves for a long time and everything they’ve threatened in the past is now going to be see the light of day.
Why do you need semi automatic weapons?
Well lets see, terrorists have them, criminals have them and if you are reducing feral pests an ability to get away multiple rounds before a group of pigs (for example) scatter makes a big difference to how effective you are.
So there are 3 quick reasons for you.
Are you happy with Politenessmans answers?If not,there are a few more if you need them.
Because, fuck you..that’s why.
If you read the Terrorists manifesto, getting a gun grab is one of his aims, so well done Ardern, you are literally giving the terrorist what he wants.
Perfect time to finally push this through, It should have happened years ago. There is absolutely NO need for anyone to own a semi-automatic or automatic rifle – none whatsoever. And this soap-boxing as the author implies, always happens after a traumatic event. It should happen ‘before’, not after.
Had this individual not used an automatic weapon of any description, the damage wold have been far less, and ‘that’ is the aim – one less ridiculous weapon now much harder to get. I’d also like to know why tourists are allowed to get their hands on guns while they’re here and have gun licenses; mad.
Sorry Deb, but one terrorist in France killed 80 people and injured over 200 without a firearm – terrorists are the problem, not guns. In his manifesto this terrorist describes why he chose guns over other effective means, it was to get exactly the reaction that you are providing – he is playing you to make you do what he wants and you are doing his bidding.
Do you know that he aquired the gun legally or had an NZ gun license? because it turns out that frequently terrorists don’t abide by the law.
I see that you are saying that frequently terrorists don`t abide by the law.Are you drunk sir?What next?You are probably going to say that criminals care not for following the rules of responsible firearms ownership.
Could you kindly shut the fuck up you hysterical retard?
None of the firearms allegedly used were automatics.
And if no one needs semi-automatics, then why aren’t we disarming our law enforcement and military of these evil inanimate objects, whose semi-automatics are responsible for hundreds and hundreds of indiscriminate casualties since the Global War on Terror began?
Why is the federal government and their many branches authorised with the power of lethal force never the subject of gun control?
Like all of you so-called gun control advocates, you don’t actually believe in banning guns entirely, you just believe the only people to be trusted with a monopoly on the use of firearms and thus deadly force, are the government and their agents. The same government that lies to us about the justifications for the murders of millions of innocents in the too-many-to-name theatres of war since 9/11.
I once saw a film where only the military and law enforcement had guns. It was called… Schindler’s List.
If he did not have the option of using a gun he could of used a bomb or could of used biological or chemical weapons. It is not the weapon used in this attack that should be taken away but it should be the attacker if he was not in the equation there would be no attack as guns do not go round by themselves shooting innocents. The real debate needs to be about how does someone become so filled with hate for another human that he feels so determined to inflict so much suffering upon society.
If you take away the right to defend you and your family you are throwing away the freedom your grandparents fought hard for in the world wars of the last century. The balance of power must remain between society and guns believe it or not maintain this balance. Think I am crazy well let me draw you this picture. If there was a country that decided they need Australia for its land and food like China or India as they are literally suffocating and millions and millions started arriving taking over your home food anything how would you stop them throw rocks? Well throwing rocks is basically all you could do and knowing this another highly populated country could very easily just walk in and take over. Our allies could do little.
Or if the government wanted to take its people to the fema camps and begin mass genocide just like Hitler did again how would you defend your family ? rocks ? One persons actions as murderous and evil as they were is not the reason to take from everyone else it’s a popular knee jerk reaction to a very sensitive issue.
Look back in history from the late 70s there was plenty of high powered rifles that were full auto and there was not the mass murders there is now. There will always exist the ability to take the live of another human be it guns bombs or knives but taking guns away WONT SOLVE THE PROBLEM. YOU WiLL JUST WEAKEN THE Country by doing so.!